How Do You Apply Your Shine?


New Member
This may seem like a basic question but I was wondering this today as I sprayed my Luster's Pink Glosser on. I realized I've only been briefly spraying (in my case) the outside of my hair then smoothing it down with my hands. It always looks very nice but the underneath part isn't getting much shine at all. Are you ladies spraying or applying your shine under and throughout your hair too or just the surface? Does it matter? How do you apply your shine? :spinning:
~Nigeria~ said:
After my rollerset, my sylist always applies Essations Creame Shine to my hair just before she wraps it. The shine last forever.

I don't know where it's sold but here's a link if you're interested:
Thank you for the info and link Nigeria. Do you know how she applies this to your hair? Is she working it through all of your hair?
Isis said:
Thank you for the info and link Nigeria. Do you know how she applies this to your hair? Is she working it through all of your hair?

Yeah she puts it all thorough out my hair. It smells good to. Sorry I don't have any pictures yet. I'm still working on my fotki.
Thanks Nigeria. For some reason I've been focusing only on the outer part of my hair when it comes to applying shine, perhaps because that's what is seen.

Anyone else?
I usually focus on the outside so as not to create buildup and weigh my hair down, but if the "inside" is looking particularly partched, I'll work the glosser through by grabbing sections of hair and spraying underneath.
Divine Inspiration said:
I usually focus on the outside so as not to create buildup and weigh my hair down, but if the "inside" is looking particularly partched, I'll work the glosser through by grabbing sections of hair and spraying underneath.
Very interesting, thank you Divine Inspiration. Buildup is a good point -- I don't want any buildup either although this glosser has so many good ingredients which benefit all of my hair. I'll have to experiment.
Yeah, I've never had any buildup issues with the Pink Glosser, but with other kinds of shine (i.e. NTM HSS or Nexxus Shine spray), I notice a slight buildup after days of consecutive use without shampooing.