How do you alternate between protein and moisturising conditioners?


I know this sounds like a stupid question but how do you alternate between protein and moisturising conditioners? I have read that a lot of members alternate between the two, but how is this possible when most conditioners contain protein in one form or another?
I don't like to wait until I feel like my hair needs something, because I feel if I wait, my hair is showing me negative signs like breakage/shedding/excessive dryness----soo, every wash I use a protein conditioner followed by a moisturizing conditioner for dry hair.
I wash my hair twice a week. During the weekend wash I add a protein conditioner and then follow that up with my regular moisturizing conditioner, since I have more time on the weekends. That way I feel like I'm preventing damage before it happens as opposed to trying to repair it.
Hi OnceUponATime,
thanks for the thread. This thread implies that there are heavy-duty and light protein conditioners, which I am aware of, but my initial enquiry is what do members mean by alternating? Heavy-duty protein requires a 6/8 week break whilst light protein can be done weekly or fortnightly, surely this is not alternating?
my old stylist told me when my hair was damaged I could do a protein treatment every other week alternating with a deep moisturizing conditioner on the weeks in between. As my hair improved she said to do it every 3rd or 4rth week. But the protein treatment wasnt heavy or light, it was more in between and I always followed with a moisturizing conditioner. For a heavier protein (Nexxus emergencee or DRC) I would only use around relaxer time to strengthen it or if I was getting severe breakage, but I woudnt use a heavy one more than once in a months time.

these are some I would say u could use often: Aubrey GPB, Nexxus Keraphix, Elasta QP breakage control Serum, Motions CPR,

Here are a few I use only occasionally: Dudleys DRC 28, Nexxus Emergencee, some ppl use Aphogee

Leslie_C said:
my old stylist told me when my hair was damaged I could do a protein treatment every other week alternating with a deep moisturizing conditioner on the weeks in between. As my hair improved she said to do it every 3rd or 4rth week. But the protein treatment wasnt heavy or light, it was more in between and I always followed with a moisturizing conditioner. For a heavier protein (Nexxus emergencee or DRC) I would only use around relaxer time to strengthen it or if I was getting severe breakage, but I woudnt use a heavy one more than once in a months time.

these are some I would say u could use often: Aubrey GPB, Nexxus Keraphix, Elasta QP breakage control Serum, Motions CPR,

Here are a few I use only occasionally: Dudleys DRC 28, Nexxus Emergencee, some ppl use Aphogee


I wash twice a week, on Wed and Sat. On Wed I use a moisturizing conditioner like Humectress, Paul Mitchell SCM or NTM Mask. On Saturdays I use a protein like Aubrey's GPB, Nexxus Keraphix mixed with Humuctress. This way I give my hair the proper balance of moisture and protein. When I'm pressed for time I use a conditioner that is both moisturizing and has a protein already in it.

I wash my hair every 4 days. After shampooing, I first use my protein conditioners. Right now I am using Roux Porosity Control and Nexxus Keraphixx. Because the Nexxus is very softening, I start with the Roux. Rinse. Apply Keraphixx for 30 minutes. Rinse. Then I finish up with my moisturizing conditioner.

I've been using NTM Daily Deep Conditioner because, thanks to someone on this board, I learned that this conditioner has basically the same ingredients as the Deep Recovery Hair Mask, and is slightly cheaper!:) And the Daily Deep Conditioner gives me basically the same results. I just purchased PM Supercharged, so I'll probably alternate between that conditioner and NTM.

Some ladies don't do protein and moisture every time they wash, but I do because my hair definitely needs it and has thrived because of it. I hope this helps. :)
Hi Ladies,
thank you for your responses I alternate between Parnevu Mayonnaise and Queen Helene's Cholestral with Ginseng, if any of you ladies have ever used either of these products could this be alternating between proteins and moisturising conditioners?

The Parnevu contains egg proteins and the QH is rich in amino acids and glycerin. Sometimes I use the two together because the QH behaves like a shampoo, without the cones or sls's/als's. Protein is a new phenomena for me, I have tried the Aphogee Treatment and this has stopped my breakage.

The Parnevu is great, even though I have a years supply of products to try, I always find myself going back to it. It leaves my hair very silky and strong. I want to make sure I am not using too much protein. Thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer.

I usually mix a dollop of proteing conditioner and moisturizing conditioner together. I swear by GPB as my proteing conditioner and I alternate between Elucence Moisturizing and Biolage Conditioning Balm as my moisturizing condtioners.
thanks for your response but unfortunately none of those items are available in the UK without having to pay costly shipping charges! How do you find the Elucence?

MeechUK said:
thanks for your response but unfortunately none of those items are available in the UK without having to pay costly shipping charges! How do you find the Elucence?

Great Thread! :up:

I've always wanted to know the difference between the hard and soft protein conditioners and when to use them. I've seen the names of the products listed in different threads, but never knew which ones where which. The ones I thought were hard were actually soft and vice versa.

Everytime I think I have the info I need, I learn something new everyday!

Thanks ladies for elaborating on this subject!! ;)

