How do you all retain length in the Kitchen area?


New Member
My hair has grown a lot, but lately its been breaking off in the kitchen area. I wear it up 99.9% of the time and usually have it in a bun so that the hairs won't rub against my shoulders. Right now I'm just about an inch away from APL length so I'm pretty careful about my hair rubbing. But the right side of my hair is much thicker than the left side, and the hairs are breaking underneath for some reason.

How did you ladies get over that problem? :sad:
I've found that not relaxing my nape has helped a lot. My nape hair is VERY soft so I just leave it be and keep it moisturized and this has helped a lot.

I also have the thinner left side and I can't determine what I'm doing wrong.
VWVixxen said:
I've found that not relaxing my nape has helped a lot. My nape hair is VERY soft so I just leave it be and keep it moisturized and this has helped a lot.

I also have the thinner left side and I can't determine what I'm doing wrong.


See my prblem is the exact opposite. My nape hairs usually are the driest. So when the hair is longer and I comb it, they *snap* off.

Maybe I should not relax the nape but moisturize it a little heavier then I do the rest of my hair?? - hmmm I think I will give this a try.

Thank you VW!
I agree with not relaxing the nape. I haven't relaxed my nape since 10/05 and it's flourished! I still have to work on keeping that area moisturized, but it's done a complete 180 from where it was when I 1st joined LHCF. :)
bklynwildheart said:
I agree with not relaxing the nape. I haven't relaxed my nape since 10/05 and it's flourished! I still have to work on keeping that area moisturized, but it's done a complete 180 from where it was when I 1st joined LHCF. :)

Okay, so I have the same problem as Vixxen. My nape area feels rather brittle and dry even though I only left the relaxer on it for a couple of minutes that last few times I relaxed. Do you guys really think that it will become softer and more moisturized and even stronger if we don't relax that area at all?:confused:
well i think what ever part of your hair you having trouble with bag it, couldn't hurt, tried it i don't think you have to bag just the pony tail area:)
sholly6 said:
well i think what ever part of your hair you having trouble with bag it, couldn't hurt, tried it i don't think you have to bag just the pony tail area:)

Now I'm confused. Without actually wearing a plastic cap on your head, how could you apply the baggy method to the nape?
sprungonhairboards said:
Now I'm confused. Without actually wearing a plastic cap on your head, how could you apply the baggy method to the nape?

That's what I was wondering. Are we supposed to saran wrap our whole head to get the nape covered? I'm all kinda confused. lololol
P.S. If you don't relax your nape, how do you bun it, etc. without it looking kinky as compared to the rest of your relaxed head? Help.
Well relaxing has always been the easy way out, but there are products out there for damaged hair that cant be relaxed that witha simple blowdryer and the product will leave your hair straight shiny silky and conditioned for 48-72 hrs or until washed. This product dont have any kind of chemicall. the product is made by kleravitex and its called ACTIVE STRAIGHT the best thing is that after used with blowdryer u can apply some more the next day without the use of blowdryer and will stay straight and shinny....
Try it !!!!!
Simon said:
Well relaxing has always been the easy way out, but there are products out there for damaged hair that cant be relaxed that witha simple blowdryer and the product will leave your hair straight shiny silky and conditioned for 48-72 hrs or until washed. This product dont have any kind of chemicall. the product is made by kleravitex and its called ACTIVE STRAIGHT the best thing is that after used with blowdryer u can apply some more the next day without the use of blowdryer and will stay straight and shinny....
Try it !!!!!

boo hooo..., simon!!! i don't blowdry my hair!!! i don't even have a decent blowdryer...dammit!!! lolol
Yes. I think the reason that my nape hair was dry as the desert was because I kept relaxing (most likely overlapping) the same area over and over. Since I came here, I decided to just not relax it anymore and try to moisturize more. My nape has grown and isn't brittle anymore. :)

Cayenne0622 said:
Okay, so I have the same problem as Vixxen. My nape area feels rather brittle and dry even though I only left the relaxer on it for a couple of minutes that last few times I relaxed. Do you guys really think that it will become softer and more moisturized and even stronger if we don't relax that area at all?:confused:
One thing that helped me with this was using NTM leave in. That stuff makes my nape so soft, it's unreal! When my nape was shorter, I'd just pin it up; now that it's longer, it just blends in with my beloved bun. :D

Cayenne0622 said:
P.S. If you don't relax your nape, how do you bun it, etc. without it looking kinky as compared to the rest of your relaxed head? Help.
Cayenne0622 said:
That's what I was wondering. Are we supposed to saran wrap our whole head to get the nape covered? I'm all kinda confused. lololol

just tossing out an idea here.

if you're not gonna wear your hair up you can just make small braids or twists in the nape, take a piece of saran wrap square and fold it over the braids/twists - secure with a click-clack, bobbypin or small duckbill.

i didn't baggy my nape, just made the tiny braids or twists and kept them dampish - my hair was almost always down though so it covered them.

my nape did a complete turnaround after i did this.
It is funny because the longer layer that I have is my nape area ^^ I don't know how, but I want the rest of my hair to be at the same lenght too >.<
Cayenne0622 said:
Okay, so I have the same problem as Vixxen. My nape area feels rather brittle and dry even though I only left the relaxer on it for a couple of minutes that last few times I relaxed. Do you guys really think that it will become softer and more moisturized and even stronger if we don't relax that area at all?:confused:

My nape is just naturally very soft with a 3cish type curl, it's crazy so when I relax and retouch and retouch it's being fried continuously. I too leave mine on just a few minutes (2 or so) and it was still too much. :perplexed

Because it's soft already it doesn't need to be retouched, add moisture (water or Dove Moisture Mist) and using the NTM (cosigning that suggestion) keeps my nape very happy! :yep:
I did an over haul. I stopped perming it smothered it in moisure daily applyed MTG and just babied it. I perm it every other time and just for 5-10 mins.
Thanks Ladies!!!!

I think I will refrain from perming it for a while and keep it HEAVILY moisturized and also add some protein too. Its so annoying and I wish it would just catch up with the rest. I'm striving to be top of the bra strap by the summer time so we'll see.

This site is really a Godsend.
Keep it moisterized

use a baby brush to brush it up to keep it up

put a satin scarf on at night

do NOT tie the knot of the scarf at the nape ( i tie mine at the front of my head, sorta losely )
VWVixxen said:
I've found that not relaxing my nape has helped a lot. My nape hair is VERY soft so I just leave it be and keep it moisturized and this has helped a lot.

I also have the thinner left side and I can't determine what I'm doing wrong.

Do you lay on that side more often?? I have the same problem. My right side is worse than the left side. but I've found that I have a tendancy to lay on the side more often.
Cayenne0622 said:
Okay, so I have the same problem as Vixxen. My nape area feels rather brittle and dry even though I only left the relaxer on it for a couple of minutes that last few times I relaxed. Do you guys really think that it will become softer and more moisturized and even stronger if we don't relax that area at all?:confused:

I can honestly say that I'm not having any luck with that area at all and I'm natural. It is always dry. I would have to wet it daily to keep it moisturized. That would be the only way to keep it moisturized. Very week, brittle, hard and crunchy. It looks so bad and it has prevented me from wearing ponytails and I'm very careful not to tie any thing on my head.
LynnieB said:
just tossing out an idea here.

if you're not gonna wear your hair up you can just make small braids or twists in the nape, take a piece of saran wrap square and fold it over the braids/twists - secure with a click-clack, bobbypin or small duckbill.

i didn't baggy my nape, just made the tiny braids or twists and kept them dampish - my hair was almost always down though so it covered them.

my nape did a complete turnaround after i did this.

My nape is way too short for this but I'll just wet it several times throughout the day and keep it heavily moisturized.
thicknlong said:
Keep it moisterized

use a baby brush to brush it up to keep it up

put a satin scarf on at night

do NOT tie the knot of the scarf at the nape ( i tie mine at the front of my head, sorta losely )

Great idea. I'll try this myself.
I agree with the ladies about not relaxing the nape. It's been over a year since I've relaxed mine and it's thriving. I keep it well moisturized and experiment with it too, especially now that it's all natural. ;)
I'm blessed to have my nape as long as the rest of my hair. But I do focus on keeping it VERY moisturized, balanced with protien, and try not to comb and put heat on it as much as possible.

My nape was always my problem area growing up, but that changed when I got older, and I'm not sure why. My guess is I stopped doing tight ponytails and wore my hair out, so there was not any stress on that area of my hair. I would say a low tension hair style would help.