How do y'all flat iron the back of your hair?


Ladies Please Help!!!! This is my 3rd attempt at flat ironing my hair with my ceramic iron. I know this might sound crazy, but I can't seem to flat iron the back of my hair. I'm not good at doing my hair yet. My hair is APL and for some reason it seems my arm can't go back that far and I end up with a crease in the middle of my hair. I know many of y'all have way longer hair than I do. How are y'all able to get the back of your hair straight???:confused:
very carefully!! Practice makes perfect. In the beginning, I would take my full length mirror and place it in front of my bathroom mirror (serious booby trap! :lol: ) Maybe seeing the back of your head will help a little (if you're not already) My issue used to be getting my new growth back there, but after hittin that flat iron for a while, I'm good to go. Not sure if this helped any...
I have the same problem but I've learned to just go over those parts of my hair the best that I can and then put the flat ironed section in a big 1 1/2 inch magnetic roller when it's still hot. Let it cool and take the roller out when you're ready to go.
I just section off a small piece of hair and pull it straight out to the side of my head where I can reach it, making sure it's pulled taut and flat iron like that. I do this on both sides and it gets the back perfect. I turn my head away from the mirror a little but I can still see most of my hair in the mirror.
Pokahontas said:
I just section off a small piece of hair and pull it straight out to the side of my head where I can reach it, making sure it's pulled taut and flat iron like that. I do this on both sides and it gets the back perfect. I turn my head away from the mirror a little but I can still see most of my hair in the mirror.

This is how I do mine also.
When I'm in the very back and can't get the iron all the way to the ends because of the length, I tilt my head forward until my chin is to my chest, then iron the section up/out from my head. The good thing about doing it this way instead of pulling it to the side, is that you can easily use your other hand to manipulate the hair however you need to to make sure it turns out right.
I'll try the tips y'all have given me. I'm so excited. I gotta get my hair right this weekend for Essence Festival:). I currently have a 1 inch ceramic iron, but I just ordered a maxiglide from LinensNThings website. It came out to $69 with tax and the coupon, but I have to pick it up from the store. Shipping would have been about $10 extra. I hope this maxiglide works. I've been spending money like crazy on different products. I can't help myself. I think I need to attend a PJA (Product Junkie Anonymous) meeting:( .
A tip fr my former hair stylist is tp part yr hair in 4 sections clip up 3 sections and part each section in the rear and flat iron as u go along. I hope this makes sense..:lol: Do each section lil bt lil.;)
DDtexlaxd said:
A tip fr my former hair stylist is tp part yr hair in 4 sections clip up 3 sections and part each section in the rear and flat iron as u go along. I hope this makes sense..:lol: Do each section lil bt lil.;)

This is exactly how I flat iron my hair. It works really well.