How do we know?



Ever notice how much different hair care experts contradict themselves and others? How do we know what is right? For instance, some experts say that you cannot speed up your monthly hair growth rate and others say you can. How do you know that your predetermined monthly hair growth rate isn't already two inches a month and the vitamins or whatever you have been taking just helped you reach your potential? How do we know that petroleum blocks the pores in your scalp and inhibits growth? Some women with really long, healthy hair swear by greasing their scalps. How do we even know that Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate is bad for your hair? Shampoos have had this ingredient for years and no one has ever complained before some other shampoo COMPANY said it is bad while pitching THEIR product with Sodium Laureth Sulfate in it. Hair care is obviously profit driven. No company or beautician care about our hair's health. How do we know what to believe, (of the things that we can't determine ourselves)?
Good question...I guess we don't know until we try. I mean, what works for one person might not work for someone else. That's why I take people's suggestions without getting my hopes to high cause my hair might not like it.