How do u handle natural hair in the winter?


I have curly hair in which I do daily wash n gos. I want to know what other styles can be done for the winter. I currently can't braid or twist yet. :( I need help, tips, anything u girls do to keep naturally curly hair under control w/o it looking crazy? If this is a q that is already answered here somewhere, please leave an answer here anyway, PLEASE!!!!!! :newbie:
Hi There :)

Quick question, how long is your hair? Is that why you can't braid or twist it? Even if your length is 2 or 3 inches, you should be able to braid it. I just saw this girl today with a head full of twist that she had spiked out. It was gorgeous.

For me, I wear my hair the same way year round. I rinse/wash it at night, pull it back into a bun (sometimes I have it in 5 to 6 braids but I still pull it back into a ponytail).
I also have short hair and can only do wash and go's. I don't know how to flat twist or cornrow. I have done twistouts, but they just don't look good. i don't like the look of twists and braids on myself.

In the winter I just co wash my hair at night, put my products in, put it in some two strand twists and sleep. I take the twists out it out and spray in a little leave-in. It is mostly dry in an hour to an hour and a half.

This does not give me a twist out, my hair is still damp in the morning and does not retain much of the twisted pattern.

I do this because I don't want to leave the house in the midle of winter with really wet hair.

I can't wait till I can put my hair in a low puff or a bun or something!
Twist it up and let it alone. If you don't know how to twist, get it professionally done, and watch what they do. Practice,practice,practice! I am in OH, so I cover my hair all the time. I do wear hats, but I will wrap my hair underneath w/ my satin hair cover, and just finger style once I get to work. I will use shea butter and deep condition weekly as I do now. No wash-n-gos in the winter, rarely ever fro or puffs either. I just don't want to leave my hair open to possible dmg from the elements.
I keep my hair well moisturized and twisted. I also wear box braids. I never wear shake in go's in the winter. Wet hair and the cold weather is a no no for me. I pull my twists or braids back into a bun and wear them. And cute headwraps and scarf buns are definately a must! Covering the hair in the winter helps protect it. :)
i wear mine in twists or braids.

you could invest in a diffuser and dry your hair w/ it and still wear your wash & go. you could also get cute silk scarves and hats and wear those over your twists until you like them enough to wear them out. you could get someone to flattwist your hair all the way back and clip a phony pony or bun to it. you could slick it all back and wear some cute clips on the sides. there are so many things you can do besides twists or braids. i suggest looking at some of the natural albums from this site and other hair sites and see what other naturals are doing for the fall and winter.

good luck :)
I think I have enough hair, it's that I don't have the technique. How do u start the twists? I can't use extensions because my hair hates them. I've never been able to make a twist look decent enough for me to be seen in public. Can u guys pls give me any twisting tips? I think my hair is 8 or 9". With shrinkage it looks like 4" or 5". Do u start from the back, side, front? I've been relaxed for most of my life, so I am truly naturally challenged. :ohwell:
mkstar, I love your glasses. They remind me of my own. Nobody believes me when I tell them I like my glasses. They're like an accessory to me. I have a pack full of contacts I rarely wear:)
Sridevi said:
mkstar, I love your glasses. They remind me of my own. Nobody believes me when I tell them I like my glasses. They're like an accessory to me. I have a pack full of contacts I rarely wear:)

thanks! i've been getting a lot of compliments on these lately. as much as they cost, that's a great thing LOL. I used to wear my contacts all the time but once I got these my contacts have been sitting in the medicine cabinet :D
Natrlchallenge said:
I think I have enough hair, it's that I don't have the technique. How do u start the twists? I can't use extensions because my hair hates them. I've never been able to make a twist look decent enough for me to be seen in public. Can u guys pls give me any twisting tips? I think my hair is 8 or 9". With shrinkage it looks like 4" or 5". Do u start from the back, side, front? I've been relaxed for most of my life, so I am truly naturally challenged. :ohwell:

here's my guide to styling:

the first folder has twists in it. i used step by step pictures to make it a bit easier. but if you have any questions, feel free to PM me. Also the more you practice the better you will be so start now before winter gets here and by the time it's here you will have them down. :)
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Thanks Mkstar! I wish my hair were a bit longer to try to do twists your way. I'm trying to figure out how to do mini twists. Any ideas, guys or am I pushing my luck? ;)
If your hair is 8 or 9 inches when stretched then it's longer than mine was in those pics. my hair was only 5-6 inches stretched there.

I'm confused :confused:

either way, it's the same technique whether they are mini or huge. you just use smaller sections of hair.
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I must be wrong the way I'm measuring my hair. My hair isn't as long as yours is in the guide. I have alot of practicing to do. :)
I wear alot of buns and french braids in the winter. I like to wear twists or braids under my hats too (when I'm not feeling lazy).
When I used to wear twists I would start out with medium twists and then I would take each individual twist apart and make 3 or four tiny twists out of that. Also if your hair is at least 6" you might be able to french braid it.
Last winter, when I first BC'd I left the house with wet hair most days. I live in a climate with mild winters, but still not a good idea. For my second winter styling my natural and thankfully longer, hair, I plan to wear more twist styles, twist outs and low puffs, which will look good with hats.
mkstar826 said:
here's my guide to styling:

the first folder has twists in it. i used step by step pictures to make it a bit easier. but if you have any questions, feel free to PM me. Also the more you practice the better you will be so start now before winter gets here and by the time it's here you will have them down. :)

Wow, your hair & your album is the ish! Thank you for including those tutorials in there, the next time I do braid extensions I'm going to try out the diagonal parting in the back
Avocado Butter Bantu-Knots Or Twists Pined Up. Moisture,Moisture & More Moisture.
Silk Scarves & Hats. Happy Hair Growing!