how do u 4a/4b naturals do wash n gos?


I'm in transition now, looking for how tos on various styles. I don't know what my hair type is, but I'm guessing that it is 4a, how do u get these gorgeous wash n go styles? Do u have to have curly hair to get it? I'm researching all the nat. styles I can so my transitioning will be successful. right now I'm in cornrows, so My practice on these styles will wait until I have more ng- hopefully 2 months or 1 1/2 months.....What's the best way to do this style?
i gave up on the shake and go once i realized that my hair was shoulder length....i have fine dense hair and i HAVE to wash in, with 8-12 big braids, i think mine are technically braidouts now....

but before i used to wash and condition...then add a hefty amound of frizz ease while it was still wet...then i would shake my head like i was in a rock video and spray with got2be curly curling spray....then i would tie it back and be on my merry way :D my hair hasnt seen any of these products in a looooong time...the got2be made my hair a bit crunchy....
I never did the wash n go thing while I was transitioning because my ends were too straight, but now it's pretty much all I do.
After washing, I let it airdry a little bit then apply leave-in. Wait a few minutes for it to get good and absorbed, then apply something to seal in moisture (oil or serum). Tie on a scarf or bandana or put on headband.

I have a couple curl-defining products/gels that I was half-heartedly experimenting with, but seriously, I get the best results just using leave-in and oil. Other stuff tends to make my hair feel too crunchy or filmy. I like my little coils to be soft :yep:
Wash n go's look like wash and no-no's on me :rofl:. I leave that style to other folks.
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I rarely go a wash and go because of shrinkage. So I prefer to CW my hair at night, twist and wear a curly/coily puff during the day.

As far as doing it, though, if you want curls you have to have curls. Whatever your hair looks like wet is what it will look like dry + some shrinkage. I don't add a lot of products to my hair (which is prolly the reason for the shrinkage) except some conditioner mixed with gel. HTH!
I have never tried a wash and go either..After I wash my hair I HAVE to braid it up or it will dry big and be a pain to comb about major breakage.

Last relaxer touch-up: May 16th, 2005
Next relaxer touch-up: July 23rd, 2005
Hair goal: 5 inches past bra strap by December 2005
online album:
Isn't there anyone who can help me w/ the wasn n go? :ohwell: I guess I'm gonna have to learn to braid! :lol:
all i did for this wash & go is conditioner wash and shook the water out. no products. i've used gel and stuff in the past but it wasn't really necessary.

mkstar I think you're my hair twin! *runs into fotki album to take notes*
yep, once my hair gets a bit longer it's gonna look just like that :yep:

mkstar826 said:
all i did for this wash & go is conditioner wash and shook the water out. no products. i've used gel and stuff in the past but it wasn't really necessary.

Gorgeous hair, MKstar. :)

I wash and condition, apply some leave-in moisturizer (usually Oyin Greg Juice sprayed in followed by whipped pudding) and then apply my gel right away. I use Jessicurl Confident Coils or Oyin Shine and Define--results are basically the same. :) I then let it air dry now that it's warmer out. If it's not dry before bed, too bad lol. I just tie it up with a satin scrunchie then put a satin scarf on and it's dry in the morning. Now in the morning I blow dry the roots for like a minute because the hair tends to be REALLY shrunken the next day lol.

In the winter I would blow dry immediately with a sock diffuser for a good 15-20 minutes so I wouldn't free to death lol. HTH!
i just shampoo and condition or whatever...and either depending on what look im going for, i'll either shake with/without product or just let it do whatever with/without product
mkstar826 said:
all i did for this wash & go is conditioner wash and shook the water out. no products. i've used gel and stuff in the past but it wasn't really necessary.
