How do one developing a relationship with God


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How do one develop a relationship with God

I want to build a strong relationship with God but want to baby steps as I dont want to make a promise that I won't keep.

What did you do to start a relationship with God?

What were some steps that you took?

How did your life change once you started your relationship with God?

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Welcome :)

I'm not trying to be cliché but I would begin with reading the Holy Bible and participating in Bible Study (there are some Bibles with it built in).
Welcome :)

I'm not trying to be cliché but I would begin with reading the Holy Bible and participating in Bible Study (there are some Bibles with it built in).

LiftedUp I have an study guide bible but don't know where to start. I'm not new to God or the bible. I just want to build a better relationship with him
Oh and prayer, how can I forget lol. I do praise and worship every morning.

I have 3 reading tracks: Introduction to the Bible (2 weeks), Every Book in the Bible (6 months) and Every Word of the Bible (3 years). It really helped me through it all and understanding all the teachings. I will take pics of the tracks and post it tomorrow.

I have and use this :
the original version.

But I'm seeing that they have a completely new version.

I'm also now reading about Zondervan.... but I think you can use the tracks with other Bibles but there are good study bits inside this one and I assume other Study Bibles. It helps put things in perspective for me.
yes, bible study and prayer. Start off your prayers as conversations with God. Keep in mind that that is really what he wants from us.

Getting a good bible study would help greatly. Because it will help you start to learn the character of God, but its best to do your own research, take notes, if you see passages that stop you or you have questions, take notes, you stopped for a reason, you need more clarification.

My dad is a minister, been preaching for years and years. I am not of the same faith as my parents, he finally said the right words to me, he said get your stuff together we having a war. I was so, so, so excited, i been waiting for this. Oh its not really a war, but I get to show him the character of God from the word and he is open to it and so yes. The bible show us who is God, but we have to dig really deep. I post bible studies on here. Your free to ask question if you like, Everything is straight from the word and nothing added.
Re: How do one develop a relationship with God

I want to build a strong relationship with God but want to baby steps as I dont want to make a promise that I won't keep.

What did you do to start a relationship with God?

What were some steps that you took?

How did your life change once you started your relationship with God?

What did you do to start a relationship with God?
Honestly, I didn't get to know who God was until March 2009. I knew of God but I didn't have any kind of relationship with God.

What were some steps that you took
But I went online and started studying the bible and I was blown away.

I begin to see things differently and I started to see that it was all foolishness this rush after life, I use to have the latest bags and by the time I fall in love with the bag its out of style and on to the next and then when I sat down and added all that up I could have made 10 car payments, exaggerating but still it was foolishness everything I was running after. latest clothes, shoes, hairdo and you know you could be standing next to someone and you spent 2,000.00 on your outfit and no one notice, no one cares. that use to urk me. Well I certainly can't afford that life, but years ago I was that person. I wasn't really big in it but I was trying to be. All my friends were about that life, Going to shows and out to eat all the time, I got bored with it, it was never ever fun to me. When I gave my life to Christ it didn't mean that I stopped going to shows, it meant if I was going to go I was going to go with people that really cared about me and I cared about them and that I enjoyed being in their company and they in mine.

When I changed my faith oh wow now that is what really changed for me, I had to do things differently and I made new friends and they wanted to talk about the bible all the time, I loved it. I never thought I would, we would get into deep conversations anywhere, anytime. Pray anywhere anytime for anyone. I was able to learn more and more about the character of God. How much he loved us and what he did for us and is doing for us and has instore, now of course no one knows what is in store for us. But on this earth there is wonderful beauty. If God allows us to have that little bit imagine what else he has in store, can't wait.

Now this was me, everyone comes to realization at different stages, I gave everything that I could think of that was causing me to sin or fall back into my old life up. it was easy as pie, never looked back, I am not saying that I do not sin, I do my best not to but sometimes its out of control. I rein it back in and give it to the Lord everyday until I don't pick it up anymore. A relationship with God is your everything. Its the first thing you do in the morning, all day and before you go to bed. Just share your life with God and ask him to show you his glory, ha.... If you ask with a sincere heart, he'll send you the holy spirit.

So glad you posted this it has helped me as well.
Welcome :) I'm not trying to be cliché but I would begin with reading the Holy Bible and participating in Bible Study (there are some Bibles with it built in).

Beat me to it ^^^

And find a really good Bible teaching church.

If you don't mind sharing please let us know what area you live in - maybe someone knows of a teaching church in your area. :)
I meant to add this early. Listening to the bible helps so, so much. you can listen on your way to work and home and when you go to bed. Well I do. Sometimes i can't my ears hurt. but when I visit my parents I let my kindle play outloud all night long. my sister thinks I fell asleep with it on, but I do it on purpose.
I agree with the ladies about praying, reading the bible, worshipping, and communing with the Lord daily.

Getting closer to God is a wonderful experience. As soon as you think you know God, He will show you another side of who He is. You can never get bored with God or out-grow Him. It doesn’t matter if you were a believer for 5 months, 5 years, or 55 years there will always be deeper manifestations, and intimacy levels with God that we as believers will desire.

Enjoy the journey and each moment that God offers…