How do I use Surge

Sweet C

Well-Known Member
I was in a beauty supply store today to pick up a few essentials, and I noticed that the store sold Surge products (Plus 14, some type of white cream, and an oil). Well, I bought the Plus 14, but now I really don't know what/how should I use it. Is it only for braids or detangler? I don't wash my hair every day (once a week if lucky, working back on it since I got real lazy in school), so what am I to do? Do I just use when I wash? If so, can I use it on my edges? Also, someone said something about drying the hair out, so if u mix with the oil and what type? I am a 4A with relaxed shoulder length hair.
Surge should be apply to your roots throughout the hair. Some use once a day and some twice. Your edges and nape area should also be sprayed. It is a good product to help thicken the hair. You can add some oil to your hair after the application but see how your hair reacts. The protein in it has tendancy to harden the hair but not everybody hair hardens. Oil of course is always good to keep things lubricated. If you stay consistant you will see results. :)
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I've been using the Surge Plus 14 for about a month now. I mix olive oil in with mine. So far so good. I've been wearing braids though, so we'll see if my hair has improved anymore than usual when I take them down. Also, I was using it everyday then I cut it down to every 2-3 days just so I don't over do it with the protein that's in it.

I ran out of my usual moisturizer so for two days I've been using the Woojee Cream. It smells nice, but it's very thin. I'm not sure if I wanna keep using it though because this morning I noticed that mineral oil is the second ingredient listed! Silly me, I forgot to read the ingredients first.

In any case as long as you add enough oil (about a third to half a bottle), you should be ok with the Plus 14.
star said:
Surge should be apply to your roots throughout the hair. Some use once a day and some twice. Your edges and nape area should also be sprayed. It is a good product to help thicken the hair. You can add some oil to your hair after the application but see how your hair reacts. The protein in it has tendancy to harden the hair but not everybody hair hardens. Oil of course is always good to keep things lubricated. If you stay consistant you will see results. :)

I would say exactly what star said. I use it at night before I put my hair up and spray my edges only in the am (can't leave the house with wet hair). My hair gets very dry from Surge so I follow up with WGO and moisturizer.
Since the Surge does wet the hair, lets say for example, u have a doobie. Does it cause the hair to frizz up?
Sweet C said:
Since the Surge does wet the hair, lets say for example, u have a doobie. Does it cause the hair to frizz up?
Yes, it will make the hair drawn up since it is water based I have not had a problem in this area. But, it should be sprayed on the roots or scalp not the hair. You should part hair then spray. It is scalp treatment not hair treatment. Now of course some may get in the hair but it should not be much:)
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