How do I use Indigo?

My Friend

New Member
I've used henna before but I never used Indigo. What, when and how do I use it? Also, both Indian stores I went to didnt have any.
i have used it a few times after my henna... i always wait a few days to see how dark my henna will end up getting.

When ever I use it I always go to and go to their "mixes page"
Here is a curly/kinky lady's mix
This has thumbnails of peoples hair and when you click on one it gives you a larger picture of that persons hair and tells you how and what they mixed their henna & indigo with. I usually tweak there mixes but it is a good reference ^_^

I read somewhere that henna likes acidic things like lemon juice or vinegar and that indigo doesn't. So I tend to just mix my indigo with some tea or water with a bunch of essential oil (sweet orange or lavender) because It always smells horrible. I tried to mix my henna and indigo together once and it didn't turn out well at all >.< So now I do them separately and I get a nice shiney black <3

When I first started using henna in my hair after I found LHCF and LHF I made my mixes to complicated and .... way to juicey! Lemon juice burns when you put too much on your scalp! you only need a few spoon fulls if you use it! Now I hardly put anything in them and it works out fine.
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I use indigo as the second step in a 2 step application to color my hair black. The first step is the henna application which is required before using indigo. Henna provides a base for the indigo to adhere to for color deposit. If you try to use indigo without the henna, you may end up with green hair.

My indigo mix consists of water and about 1/4 teaspoon or less of sea salt (too much will cause your scalp to burn). The salt helps to bring out the black color.

I apply my indigo mixture to my hair and then cover my hair with saran wrap. I keep this on for 2 hours and then rinse using conditioner.

If you prefer to have a brown color to your hair, you can mix the henna and indigo together as a 1 step application. So basically, indigo is used to achieve black or brown hair.

I would say most Indian stores do not carry indigo, at least I've never been able to find it, but I could be wrong. I order my indigo online at or

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^^Co-sign with Jetblackhair.

I do the two-step process on DH's hair and purchase my indigo from Let it stay on for about 2 hrs. Perfect, black hair every time!
Do not use regular, iodized salt. It won't work.

Everyone gave good advice. I also do the two step process for black hair, following the directions for

1. henna hair, rinse with the aid of conditioner. Do not make your paste with hot water.

2. mix indigo with water a salt and apply immediately to dry hair-- I do not wait for the dye release. Do not mix your paste with hot water.

3. Wait one hour at least, then rinse. My hair is black, beautiful, and lush.
@Jetblackhair @Pompous Blue

Can I use regular salt?

Do not use regular, iodized salt. It won't work.

Everyone gave good advice. I also do the two step process for black hair, following the directions for

1. henna hair, rinse with the aid of conditioner. Do not make your paste with hot water.

2. mix indigo with water a salt and apply immediately to dry hair-- I do not wait for the dye release. Do not mix your paste with hot water.

3. Wait one hour at least, then rinse. My hair is black, beautiful, and lush.
Keen What Angelicus said. I only use sea salt. My husband's hair turns out perfect every time. Just did his hair last weekend.
Pompous Blue

It went well. My hair feels really good. My sister said my color is not even though. I think it may be because I was rushing. Thanks ladies!
@Pompous Blue

It went well. My hair feels really good. My sister said my color is not even though. I think it may be because I was rushing. Thanks ladies!
Keen Glad it went well. 3 mos. ago when DH rushed me on the indigo (only stayed on 1 hr, 15 mins.) his color was uneven, too. But this time, he kept it on 3 hrs. It looks great!