How do I take a full body pic of myself?


New Member
I want to take some full body pics for a couple of things but how do I do that, is it even possible? I tried to hold the camera as far away from my body as I could and take a pic but it didn't work. I have also tried taking a pic of myself looking in a full body mirror but the flash bounces off of the glass of the mirror so there is a flash of light covering my body in the pic. Can someone please help me? Thanks!
Hey! I've tried to do this too. The best thing is if your camera has a timer on it. You can set it on an object (i.e., dresser, table, desk, etc.) and then set it for a certain amount of seconds so you can set yourself up and pose. It may take a few times to get the angle of the camera right and where to stand and stuff. Hope that makes sense!!! :wave: