How Do I Stop Thinking About My Hair?

God said a woman's hair is her glory... It's natural to obsess over something so important and dear to Gods heart...
I think about that a and it's true but it also says we should not worry about our hair and such because a quiet and beautiful spirit is more honored in God's sight....
I used to be obsessed years ago ,at the beginning of my journey ,now I don't really think about it anymore . I still love products though lol
I never could stop thinking about my hair in the first few years of my hair journey. Especially because I've never had long hair in my life. After finding the hair boards and seeing BLACK women with kinky textures grow hair down their backs, I knew I wanted to do the same.

It helped me to focus on a different aspect of my journey. So instead of focusing on growth, I focused on a finding staples or perfecting a simple regi or technique (finger combing, cowashing, low-mani, etc.).

I also started lurking in the long hair challenges (WL, TBL) to see what those ladies had in common that I could incorporate into my own regi. I was so busy researching that my milestones snuck up on me! I went from buzz/ceasar cut to SL in 1 year, to APL 8 months later and then BSL soon after that!
I think I am obsess about my hair. I can't stop thinking of my hair and how much I want it to grow. How do I get over length checks?! Am I the only one feeling this way?

You are not alone. My obsession will probably continue until I get to WL and then I will relax while she grows to TBL.