How do I seal while in a weave?


Active Member
Hi y'all,

I'd been doing the LOC method on my hair while bunning, and it was working fine, but now that I'm back in weave I have a dilemma. I know how to moisturize (I use a leave-in made of water/leave-in conditioner in a bottle with a nozzle and get in between the tracks). However... how am I supposed to seal with my oil? Or my creamy moisturizer? Put that in another bottle with a nozzle and squirt it between the tracks as well? Idk... it seems like that wouldn't be very effective for sealing. But, idk. What do you guys think? Thanks!
Hi y'all,

I'd been doing the LOC method on my hair while bunning, and it was working fine, but now that I'm back in weave I have a dilemma. I know how to moisturize (I use a leave-in made of water/leave-in conditioner in a bottle with a nozzle and get in between the tracks). However... how am I supposed to seal with my oil? Or my creamy moisturizer? Put that in another bottle with a nozzle and squirt it between the tracks as well? Idk... it seems like that wouldn't be very effective for sealing. But, idk. What do you guys think? Thanks!

Idk either but this is a good question. I've only had kinky twists during my HHJ & haven't tried a sew in yet. Maybe if you very lightly applied it between the tracks with your finger tips & avoided actually touching the weave. Like maybe pin each part up separately as you work through the parts. Spraying the oil may get it directly on the tracks even though you are trying to avoid that. Are you in a sew in & able to wash it in the event you did get oil on the tracks?
So I did that last night before bed - after applying my leave-in, I went row by row with a bit of castor oil on my finger and rubbed it in. It was definitely less messy than spraying, and I think it also allowed me to use less oil than if I were squirting it on my head with a color applicator bottle. Not too bad. I don't think I'm going to do "C" part of the LOC method while in this weave though, because I'm afraid of build up -- so just my liquid leave in followed by oil that I'll apply with my fingers.

Oh, and I am in a sew-in so I can wash it. The plan is to shampoo/steam once a week, so I guess if the sew-in does get oil on it, I could potentially have it off pretty quickly.

Thanks for the tip chica!!