How do I remove the comb from a half wig


The Credit Countess
My half wig/fall never fits right and I am worried about breakage where the combs are. I am wearing my hair in cornrows and plan on wearing my falls until April.

I have read some say that they remove the comb and just uses hair pins. How do you remove the comb. Today I didn't use the comb but just used hairpins and it was a great fit.

I've never done it but I did noticed there is some thread around the comb. You should be able to cut the thread and then the comb will come out.
I removed mine and I used bobby pins:yep:

On the half-wig I had, the combs were attched by black elastic strings; just search for the elastic strings above where the combs look like they are attached and cut them. Don't know if yours is the same. Also, you need very thin scissors because you want to make sure you don't cut part of the half wig.
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I always take out the comb in the back. I usually use pointy/sharp scissors (the ones to trim hair with) and just cut the thread that's holding the comb in place. Sometimes it's kind of like an elastic type thread.