How Do I Read Threads?


New Member
I just realized that I can subscribe to threads but sometimes there are many branches and it gets hard to keep up. How do you read an entire thread and know that you've seen everything?
Fran said:
I just realized that I can subscribe to threads but sometimes there are many branches and it gets hard to keep up. How do you read an entire thread and know that you've seen everything?
For me, it just requires me scrolling down until the end of the thread. Are you not able to see all of the posts within a thread?
I can see all of it. I can continue to do that. I was just checking to see if there was a short cut.
brownsugababe said:
I am still trying to figure out how to post a thread. Can you help please?:confused:

Go to the forum that you want to post in and then go to Forum Tools at the top and click on the Post New Thread option (it's the first one) and it will allow you to start the new thread.
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