How do I make my own Boundless Tresses?


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The ingredients in the original Boundless Tresses was rather simple. The two ingredients in the original Boundless Tresses was olive oil and sulfur. Both olive oil and sulfur are great for stimulating hair growth. The recipe I found online is fairly simple and consisted of all natural ingredients. One Boundless Tresses recipe is below:

2 teaspoons sulfur
4 oz jojoba oil
3 oz olive oil
4 oz coconut oil
10 drops essential oil (your choice)

Directions: Put sulfur in bottle first, then add oil. Shake well. Use like BT.
There are so many ways you can change this recipe to make it better for you. Instead of jojoba oil, you can use hazelnut oil or oils you love. Instead using both olive oil and coconut oil, you can use just one of those oils. Shake well and apply it to your hair where you need it for growth. Remember, before trying any new oils or sulfur consult with your doctor first, in case of any health issues you may have. Also, do a small patch test first to make sure you do not have any allergic reactions.
Patch tests are rather easy and quick. Put a small drop of this Boundless Tresses on small area of your skin. After leaving for a day or two, check to make sure your skin isn’t irritated. If you do find any irritation, do not continue the use of this mixture.
I have used this mixture and really love playing around with different oils based on my preference to their smell. My hair is healthy and long. Since I make my own Boundless Tresses, I’m able to make it according to my hair needs. Having the ingredients on hand means I can make as much or as little Boundless Tresses.

From a website

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Thank you!! I wanted to do this for the longest time. I just couldn't remember the product's name.

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