How do I make my braidouts last longer?


Well-Known Member
I really like the look of braidouts but they only last one day for me. I lightly moisturize at night and put on a satin bonnet, when I wake up my hair is completely flat. What am I doing wrong. I use NTM leave in and coconut oil before braiding.
I really like the look of braidouts but they only last one day for me. I lightly moisturize at night and put on a satin bonnet, when I wake up my hair is completely flat. What am I doing wrong. I use NTM leave in and coconut oil before braiding.

Have you tried rebraiding at 4 sections and braid it tightly well not THAT tight but at least to get the pattern back? In fact I'd moisten it with a water based spritz and then braid up again...
I just posted in my fotki a few days ago about this. Mine lasts a good 3 days or so (I wash twice a week).

I don't fully rebraid, but I do divide my hair in about six sections (with fingers only--NO combs), and twist each section and then pin curl.

I re-moisturize beforehand--like someone said--I lightly spritz with distilled water and re-oil.

Then I cover in a silk scarf.

Next day, I just finger comb it out --or, if I want it poofy (like on the third day) for puff I lightly comb it with a wide-tooth comb.

Then I repeat the process the next night.