How Do I know when it is God and not me?


Well-Known Member
Piggy back of the thread Hearing from the Lord...why can't I?

How does one know when it is them and not God telling them things. I am speaking of the consceince mind. How do you decipher between the two?
Zeal said:
Piggy back of the thread Hearing from the Lord...why can't I?

How does one know when it is them and not God telling them things. I am speaking of the consceince mind. How do you decipher between the two?

Good question. In 24 years of loving Him, I still wonder. But you know what Zeal? After awhile you DO just know. I can't explain it. Pastor started us out with 'staying' in God's word and allow God to speak to you. Sometimes a scripture will seem to leap off of the pages at you. For it confirms what you were thinking or questioning.

Pastor Charles Stanley and Pastor Dr. David Jeremiah have wonderful teachings on this. Myles Monroe, Bishop Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Joyce Meyer, Juanita Bynum, are just a few that when you listen to them minister, it somehow answers, 'how you know.'

With me, it comes from asking God to speak to me in a way that I will know that it's Him and no one else. Zeal we are all individually in tune to God in a way that only He can get through to us. But the one thing that will always confirm is when he backs it up with His word.

Also when the Holy Spirit keeps nudging you. No matter what, you will feel His promptings leading you to 'act' or move or pray. It never fails that each time I 'yield', He confirms with His word or by another Believer that I didn't solicite.

Loving hugs....
I agree with Shimmie, you just know, it's very clear. If you have to wonder if it Him or you than it's proably you.
The thought, idea or insx that the Lord would give you would be so briliiant you wouldn't have never thought of it yourself. Sometimes its so foolish you would never dream of it. You can be sure whatever he tells you, you wouldn't have ever came up with it in a million years.
ShimmieGirl said:
Good question. In 24 years of loving Him, I still wonder. But you know what Zeal? After awhile you DO just know. I can't explain it. Pastor started us out with 'staying' in God's word and allow God to speak to you. Sometimes a scripture will seem to leap off of the pages at you. For it confirms what you were thinking or questioning.

Pastor Charles Stanley and Pastor Dr. David Jeremiah have wonderful teachings on this. Myles Monroe, Bishop Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Joyce Meyer, Juanita Bynum, are just a few that when you listen to them minister, it somehow answers, 'how you know.'

With me, it comes from asking God to speak to me in a way that I will know that it's Him and no one else. Zeal we are all individually in tune to God in a way that only He can get through to us. But the one thing that will always confirm is when he backs it up with His word.

Also when the Holy Spirit keeps nudging you. No matter what, you will feel His promptings leading you to 'act' or move or pray. It never fails that each time I 'yield', He confirms with His word or by another Believer that I didn't solicite.

Loving hugs....

I agree!! I also find that God will confirm His will by having something happen, or having someone else confirm what I'm hearing without me having to tell them that I'm looking for confirmation of anything. :)
Zeal said:
Piggy back of the thread Hearing from the Lord...why can't I?

How does one know when it is them and not God telling them things. I am speaking of the consceince mind. How do you decipher between the two?

This is a good question, and I recently asked the Lord this question because I was put in this situation and after I delivered the word, the enemy beat me down and told me that wasn't God so on and so on.

I ask the Lord how do I know and this is what the Lord shared with me.

He said which ever part of you walks away satisfied that's the side you operated in.

Ex: If someone curses you out and you hold your peace, and don't say a word, and when you walk away your flesh is telling you, why didn't you tell them off, why didn't you say thus and so, then you know you operated in the spirit because your flesh was not happy.

If you curse the person out and when you walk away, and your spirit began to speak to you, now you know that wasn't right, or you know you shouldn't have said that, then you'll know you were not in the spirit but the flesh

Now when you're minisitering to someone you'll know it's God ministering and speaking through you because even in a diffcult moments it's done in love and you will say things that you didn't intend to even say.

When it's God there's always compassion and not condemnation if you're ministering.

John 10:4,5
And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.
5 And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.

The closer you are to God the easier it is to know his voice.

Great question.
To add to my own post, let your flesh be your spiritual gage.

The bible says the flesh lust after the spirit.

If it's God it will never agree with your flesh.

Zeal I'm using you in my examples because it's your post, I hope you don't mine.

God: Zeal start a business
Zeal: But I can't I dont have this, I don't know that, I don't have money

Zeal: Is that my husband
God: No
Zeal: but he has money, a good job, he's goes to church, Lord Why

God: Now He's the one,
Zeal: No Lord, he's not tall enough, he don't have enough degrees, his hair is too thin, feet to small.

God: Zeal sow $1,000.00 seed
Zeal: oh Lawd, now you know the bills I have, I don't think I can do that.
Flesh: Sow a $1,000.00 seed and the pastor will see how faithful you are
The deed is a good deed but it's of the flesh and God is not in the flesh.

See our flesh is our spiritual gage, because it will never agree with the spirit.

I hope this makes since.

dreamer26 said:
To add to my own post, let your flesh be your spiritual gage.

The bible says the flesh lust after the spirit.

If it's God it will never agree with your flesh.

Zeal I'm using you in my examples because it's your post, I hope you don't mine.

God: Zeal start a business
Zeal: But I can't I dont have this, I don't know that, I don't have money

Zeal: Is that my husband
God: No
Zeal: but he has money, a good job, he's goes to church, Lord Why

God: Now He's the one,
Zeal: No Lord, he's not tall enough, he don't have enough degrees, his hair is too thin, feet to small.

God: Zeal sow $1,000.00 seed
Zeal: oh Lawd, now you know the bills I have, I don't think I can do that.
Flesh: Sow a $1,000.00 seed and the pastor will see how faithful you are
The deed is a good deed but it's of the flesh and God is not in the flesh.

See our flesh is our spiritual gage, because it will never agree with the spirit.

I hope this makes since.

I don't mind at all.
But why you all up in my business?
Mind your business!! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Thank you ladies for your responses.
Zeal said:
I don't mind at all.
But why you all up in my business?
Mind your business!! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Thank you ladies for your responses.

Girl, that's the kind of God we serve, a all up in your business kind of God, :lol: