How do I get the back of my hair to grow!!!


New Member
I have been on the board since October and I love it!!!. My hair is growing like crazy and I have very little breakage. Ok here's the but. But the back of my hair just will not grow!!!! When I was in my teens and early 20s I had hair back there. I started wearing a wrap. I think the constant wrapping broke the hair off in the back of my hair. The area of short hair is as wide as my hand. I cant and havent worn my hair up in over 10 years. The rest of my hair is very thick and very healthy. My previous stylist kept saying I need to cut ALL of my hair off and start over. It just doesnt make since to me!!!! How is cutting of the rest of my healthy hair going to grow the back? My hair is less than a 1/4 inch long in that area. I havent been back to her I got tirede of hearing I need to cut my hair.
Any other ladies have or have had this problem? What did you do?
What are you doing to that part of your hair? Do you pay special attention to it, give it extra conditioner and moisturizer? Is it not growing or is it growing and breaking? If it's not growing at all, I have no advice, if it's breaking I think there is hope. If you are relaxed you will probably need to stop relaxing that part altogether, at least for a while and then when you do relax it, you'll need to do so less often and for a shorter period of time, that part of our hair is often a different texture than the rest of our hair and has special needs. I would also highly recommend DSD's album, she has a section on how she solved this problem. Good luck.

ETA: No, you don't need to cut off the rest of your hair, especially since it sounds like you have enough to camaflouge(sp?) that spot. Plus, that spot may never catch up to the rest of your hair or it may take years so you would always be cutting off the rest of your hair. I'm assuming your hair is neck-length or longer.
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Thank you hopeful....I believe its growing but breaking off. I do pay special attention to it.. Im using MNT , and mango butter on it with no results...Im going to look at the hair album you suggested
Girl, I feel you. I also have this problem and have been gowing through this for about 10 years too, but the crazy thing is Im only 22 years. I dont know why my hair has such bad problems in the back but it wont grow. All the rest of my hair is growing but the back. I really think that we should work on this problem together. Im going to try to go without perming my back. And hopefully I will see some growth. My back is really short it looks like i shaved it. But im trying to be as positive about as i can. We are going to make it through this trust me......
The back of my hair is like it has been shaved too. I just started back on mnt tonight. Im not going to perm the back anymore and see what happens.
It's possible the back of your head has a different texture of hair.

I know my nape is different and stayed short while the rest of my hair grew, until I stopped relaxing that area. It's been a year since I stopped relaxing my nape and it's growing along very nicely.

I'm just saying that some of us have different hair types on our head and it's possible the back of your head may need to be treated differently than the rest of your hair.:)
LIke Isis, I don't relax the nape. My hair texture is very fine in that area and doesn't need the chemicals to straighten. I always keep that area very well moisturized and oiled. Some ladies have had great results with castor oil.
For the last 18 years(that's how long I've been relaxing) my nape has been an issue. It would grow out a little(max about 3-5in) and then it would break off. Now my nape is no problem:D .

I started by stretching my relaxers to 12 weeks(I now stretch to 14 wks). The nape is the last area to be relaxed when it's touchup time. I'm also not interested in it being bone straight any longer. I also use a good moisturizer 1x day and seal the moisture in with coconut oil and castor oil.

My nape is flourishing for the first time EVER with a relaxer. If I can do it, anyone can!!

All the best!!
I oil or moisturize my edges all around my head every night before I tie it up with the scarf. My edges especially the back i growing like crazy. Olive oil or any kind of moisture should help keep friction in those area stop breakage.
When my hair was relaxed, my nape was always short and broken off. I don't think it ever grew longer than 3-4 inches. Now that I'm natural I realize that my nape is the most tightly curled and driest part of my hair. I realized recently that it still breaks a lot and isn't as long as the rest of my hair, so I started to give it extra moisture, especially the ends. I use leave-in conditioner on the length and petroleum jelly on the ends. I also sleep with a baggie on my head at night to give it even more moisture. I keep it braided or twisted whenever I can.

I've been doing some trial and error with shampooing lately and I was shampooing every day pretty much since the end of February. I decided to stop shampooing my hair, and only use it when I need to, max 1 or 2 times per month.

I haven't been doing this for long, as you can see in my siggy, but I really hope to see results soon. First a decrease in the amount of breakage, then length:)
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alexstin said:
For the last 18 years(that's how long I've been relaxing) my nape has been an issue. It would grow out a little(max about 3-5in) and then it would break off. Now my nape is no problem:D .

I started by stretching my relaxers to 12 weeks(I now stretch to 14 wks). The nape is the last area to be relaxed when it's touchup time. I'm also not interested in it being bone straight any longer. I also use a good moisturizer 1x day and seal the moisture in with coconut oil and castor oil.

My nape is flourishing for the first time EVER with a relaxer. If I can do it, anyone can!!

All the best!!

This is very inpirational to me. You hair looks beautiful. You give me alot of hope for my nape hair. hopefully Ill be able to experience the same growth with my nape. Thanks for posting!!!
hair-it-is said:
This is very inpirational to me. You hair looks beautiful. You give me alot of hope for my nape hair. hopefully Ill be able to experience the same growth with my nape. Thanks for posting!!!

Thanks hair-it-is!! Just find out what products work for you(if you need help, ask somebody!!) and stick with it:)
the sides of my hair has always outgrown the back. i just finished my first stretch and noticed the grades of my hair. the first 3 inches in the back of my head are fine (like 3 c) while my back edges (eddies) are like 4f. so with the last relaxer i left it on like 5 minutes and it came out straight. i've been over processing this area for 15 years and not knowing it! now the back is growing with the sides and stronger than ever.

good luck to you.