How do I fix my profile?

Vicki in Oregon

New Member
I signed up long ago but only recently became a member and only recently began reading and posting...the problem is I just read my profile and it says my hair is short and sexy and my goal is for it to be short and sexy?!?!? Have not had short hair in 20 years! And it says I am from Afganastan!?!?! Where is this info coming from and how do I make it accurate? Also how do I add a picture/Avator when I post? Also, how do I make it so I get notified of a reply each time rather than having to remember to mark that box everytime? How do I make my post sticky? I assume that means it sticks around longer? I want to make the one sticky where I talked about the various methods of hair growth. Thanks!
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Those settings are defaults. I think that your settings may have changed without you knowing it because you probably used the scroll button on your mouse while you were in there. Go back into your profile and use the bar on the right side of the screen to navigate.
Thanks. I clicked on my profile name and then had to make a selection so chose "view profile" but I cannot make any changes. So confused :(
Vicki in Oregon said:
I signed up long ago but only recently became a member and only recently began reading and posting...the problem is I just read my profile and it says my hair is short and sexy and my goal is for it to be short and sexy?!?!? Have not had short hair in 20 years! And it says I am from Afganastan!?!?! Where is this info coming from and how do I make it accurate? Also how do I add a picture/Avator when I post? Also, how do I make it so I get notified of a reply each time rather than having to remember to mark that box everytime? How do I make my post sticky? I assume that means it sticks around longer? I want to make the one sticky where I talked about the various methods of hair growth. Thanks!

Only Admins have the "power" to make posts a sticky (so you might have to ask one of them).

On the bar at the top you will see User CP click on that (it's your control panel).

Once you are in you will see:
Edit Signature
Edit Email & Password
Edit Arcade Options
Edit Profile
Edit Options
Edit Avatar

Hopes that helps