How do I do this? Henna/relaxer


Well-Known Member
I tried advance search and nothing came up. I'm relaxing my hair tomorrow and I also want to do a henna. Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure that I read that you can relax and henna the same day. Obviously I know not to apply the henna before the relaxer. I always henna my hair dry.

Should I wait a few hours after the relaxer to do the henna or do I do it right after I relax after conditioning and washing?
You CAN relax and do henna...

I personally wouldn't do it in the same day. henna can be drying. Your poor hair has already been through enough with the relaxer.

I personally would wait at least 2 weeks to henna.

However, some people do it and have good results... it's your decision!

Just relax as you always do, neutralize, then do the henna. Then DEEP CONDITION.
Thanks for the info. I've never done it the same day but I'm kind of pressed for time and starting Monday I'll be living out of a hotel room with another person (a stranger at that) for the next six weeks so my normal hair care routine will be thrown off.
Yes it can be done in the same day, however, if you don't have to, you may not want to (because its a PITA)

Just make sure you condition really well afterwards.

Doing a henna gloss would be even better. Mix your henna powder with hot water, then add cheapie conditioner. Let color release. Add oil right before applying. I've done this 3 days after relaxing. Softresses does her henna immediately after relaxing and her hair is incredible, so I know it's doable!
I've relaxed and henna same day at least 4 times now and will ALWAYS relax this way whenever I can, thanks to Softresses. I do a full blown henna immediately after relaxing and it makes for a LONG session, but well worth doing every 12 weeks (4 times a year). I just set aside a day just for me and do the following:

• relaxer cream for requisite time, rinse
• mid-step protein condish for 5 -10 minutes, rinse
• neutralizing 'poo, rinse (good to let sit few minutes between rinsing -- gets the relaxer out faster)
• moisturizing poo, rinse
• squeeze dry
• color released henna paste with plastic for at least 2 hours (henna + warm water + 4.5 hours or more = color release), rinse using as much cheapie condish as needed to rinse the paste out
• moisturizing condish for at least 1 hour, rinse
• leave-ins and air dry

This leaves my hair super conditioned, super strong, lovely color, brilliant shine and zero breakage/shedding. I won't ever touchup without henna, if I can help it . .
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i'm going to try this my next relaxer. except i'll do the full application on the same day. ooh, i bet i'll get a really nice color deposit!
Thanks guys. I'm about to do my hair in a few minutes. I only mixed as little because I don't need a full treatment. I was just doing it to cover some grays plus I hennaed (is that a word?) the beginning of the month. I just want to touch up a few strands that peeked through. Maybe I'll try the full treatment next time.
I've done my henna/indigo the same day as a relaxer...the results were fantastic, but you have to make sure you DC like crazy, or it your hair will be too dry. If you have a steamer, use it. :grin:
I would like to try it one time but after relaxing my hair, I don't have time for no henna. :lol:

That takes too much time. I need to finish myhair and see my relaxer swang.

I always do my henna a week after my relaxer. It gives me my volume back.

But on relaxer day I am too eager to finish doing my hair.