how do I deal with this? -LONG


Well-Known Member
UPDATE! how do I deal with this?

Ok so here we go....whew.... lol

I met this guy in october of 07 it was the best thing since ceramic hot plates to me. He's a sweetheart, charming, well mannered yada yada yada, ya'll know the spewl. at the time I had just gotten out of a relationship that last off and on for 5 years with a guy who was a born again geek that wanted to be a pimp fro mthe payers club :nono: aka hot mess. so at the time I wasn't looking for a relationship, i was at a point in my life where I just wanted to have fun. for the first 2 months we would go out twice a week and just have a time. right around christmas we had sex for the first time. In the beginning we both were content with not wanting to do the relationship thing. I let him know where I stood and he let me know where he stood. He had also gotten out of a year and a half relationship 2 months before he and I met. At the time I planned on leaving to move to florida in 08 so I didnt really expect for things to last this long. since then he's told me that he loves me and has made jokes like "you ever heard that saying that says something like "if you ever wanna know what your wife is gonna look like when she gets older, look at her mom"? your mom is a cutie!" he's also discussed marriage but I didn't go in too deep with him. didnt see the logic in that.

fast forward to three months ago He and I had the relationship talk. I told him that this situation we have was cool with me but now I want more. I want a commitment. I told him, after such and such time you know what you want and what you don't want. I understand what we spoke on in the beginning but things are different now and if you don't want to be with me that's fine I respect that but let me know so I know how to make my next move. I didn't say it in an angry or rude way I was just real about it, no sugar coating. I find that that's the best way for them to understand. He told me he wasn't ready so I said "well, it's been fun, i'll always have love for you, we had good times but I deserve better. Im not mad at you, I've learned alot from you. You're the only man who has taken time out to listen to me and get to really know me. You're the only one who's always there for me when I need a shoulder to cry on and i'll always love you for that. but this can't continue" he said he understood my decision and that he still loved me and he hopes we can still be friends. For about 3 weeks we didn't really speak, lil bits and pieces of texts but that was it. So he hits me up on a tuesday morning telling me how he's gonna tell my mom how her daughter kicked him to the curb, he said it jokingly but i knew he was still feeling some type of way. I told him, if you tell her that she's just going to ask you what did u do. but seriously no 1 kicked you to the curb, you took a cab there. I didn't like where things weren't going between us so I did what I had to." he went on to say "but I loved you and you know it" i replied " did i? cuz I thought a man who loved me would committ to me?" he told me I was right but he wasnt ready right now, things just werent right. I didn't push the convo in that direction anymore because I didn't want to stir up anymore hurt.

Now, I spoke to one of my very close male friends to see what he thought about this and his response was "theres a big chance that he does love you but when a man says things just arent right it means that the timing could be off meaning, maybe his money isnt right or he isnt at a level in his career where he feels like he can court a woman and do all the things a man should for her. he has to feel like a man. so for the time being, if you really love this man, stick it out for a little while longer but DONT give him things that he isn't supposed to get. keep ur cookie in the jar and make him prove his love for you". and when I thought about it, it kind of made sense, as far as the job/timing thing. He works 7 days a week and he has child. right now im torn. I love him and i dont know what to do! all advice is welcomed!!!

Well ladies it's done for good. I sent him an email letting him know where I stood and what I wanted. I let him know that I'm done and IF he does decide to come back it'll only go down On MY terms and my terms only. It's gonna hurt for a few days but I'll be fine.
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This is only my opinion.

You did the right thing by going with your gut. It sounds like you want a real, committed, no-holds-bar relationship... the kind you deserve. This guy has had plenty of time and opportunity (1.5 years, right?) to solidify what started out as a fwb situation into a real romantic relationship. He sounds like he's all talk. His child will always be there. Hard work will always be there. But the opportunity for him to win your heart and commit to you is fleeting.

As hard as it would be, I would cut all ties and open myself up to meeting a man who had no hesitation in being with me. Not only being with me, but wanting to see our relationship progress... from dating/courting to engagement and then marriage. Do this for yourself, you deserve more. He is telling you loud and clear that he doesn't want a relationship (but you both were in essence IN a relationship without a title and he didn't mind that... right? :rolleyes:) Do what you have to do and move on. JMHO.
Fall back and let him work things out on his end. Things were great until you started relationship talk. IMHO he was cool with the friends with benefits and when he is ready to settle down, I don't think it is going to be you, you were the kick it girl. Again JMHO.
Stick with your first decision. That's usually the right one.

I dont think it will be a good idea to go back to him and kind of wait around...what if he's not ready for years?? Don't waste your time. If you are really special to him, he'll snap out of it and commit.
Fall back and let him work things out on his end. Things were great until you started relationship talk. IMHO he was cool with the friends with benefits and when he is ready to settle down, I don't think it is going to be you, you were the kick it girl. Again JMHO.

ITA. And I think you can count that as a red flag...:-)
This is only my opinion as well but girrrrlll!

I am really really proud of the way you handled that! I know it's really hard but it's a grown up decision. Your male friends are totally right and a lot of things women do is not follow their insticts.

My whole things is this - what if he never get's his stuff together? I mean you love him but he obvi doesn't have the same ambition as you. I know men will beg, borrow, steal or kill to get the woman they love... I think you should let it burn.

I know he feels a certain way and he probably feels like a big loser but he needs to feel like a man to make man decisions. You need/deserve a man.

LET IT BURRNNNN you need to keep yourself busy until these feelings pass.
aww sweetie :( I'm in the exact situation... I mean EXACT. I've fallen back :( as much as I want him to learn his lesson... feel the pain yadda yadda yadda....change his mind and come beg for me.... I'm moving on that's all that I know how to do :(
Well let me be the first to say. Your male friend MAY be right. Men in general want to make sure first they are going to be good providers but who's to say that when that time comes, you will be that girl he wants to provide for?

Why allow yourself to be stringed along like that? When a man loves you, he will stop at nothing to have you and WE ALL know that. Let him be. All the mind games foolishness is just going to leave you wounded in the end. Hope is nice, but not when a man is not being straightforward. Sounds like he still wants to have sex with you and keep you there by suggesting there could be more when there will never be more. Dont get used.
yea i think i am gonna stick with my first decision. its gonna b hard but i gotta do whats best 4 me.
I'm glad you kicked him to the curb.

It was a mess right from the start.

You, fresh out of a 5-year gig. Him, fresh out of a 1.5-year gig.

No definition, just having fun. Sex thrown in the mix....

I would buy the "timing is not right" if he was trying to marry you. Even then, he wouldn't be refusing to date you exclusively.

When a man loves you, in the words of Dr. Laura Schlessinger, "he will swim through shark-infested waters to bring you lemonade."

A man who is so concerned about loving and providing for you, would not be having sex with you all willy nilly and then cutting loose when things get serious. The exact opposite.

He enjoyed your previous arrangement, he is nostalgic now. He wants some more of your goodness.

I say you made a great choice. Don't look back.
Let him do him and you do you...appreciate his honesty and let him know you love don't have to boot him out of your life if you don't really want to, however know that if you do stick around that you understand where things are and that you are not just waiting that you are enjoying yourself at the present moment how things are and not just "investing" time in hopes you will get a specific return because if you don't you are really gonna be upset.....if you feel you can't enjoy time with him still where he is at and where you are at it with no set may be best to let it go for the time don't have to fight your feelings of love for him, don't leave out of his life soley to hurt him or try to force his hand leave because its truly whats best for your and your well being...... dont put your life on hold for him.....tell him to take all the time he needs to figure out where he really wants to be and that if he decides that he wants something with you to let you know, but you are not waiting for him and the opportunity is only open till it isn't anymore....

follow your heart on this one, it won't lead you never has to be forced and often times when we stop tryin to make it happen and let go of expectations of how it is supposed to happen and how people are supposed to act and feel or do or say... it unfolds in beautiful unexpected ways
i'm a little confused. did you want him to commit to you as in being your boyfriend or are yall official and your ready for marriage.

Either way you cant force someone to be with you. if his financials aint right or his career isnt where he wants it to be you cant do anything about that. i actualyl think its smart for someone to be stale before inviting someone in your life. if yall wher just friends with benifits and you want him to be ya man, thats a hard card to play.
Let him do him and you do you...appreciate his honesty and let him know you love don't have to boot him out of your life if you don't really want to, however know that if you do stick around that you understand where things are and that you are not just waiting that you are enjoying yourself at the present moment how things are and not just "investing" time in hopes you will get a specific return because if you don't you are really gonna be upset.....if you feel you can't enjoy time with him still where he is at and where you are at it with no set may be best to let it go for the time don't have to fight your feelings of love for him, don't leave out of his life soley to hurt him or try to force his hand leave because its truly whats best for your and your well being...... dont put your life on hold for him.....tell him to take all the time he needs to figure out where he really wants to be and that if he decides that he wants something with you to let you know, but you are not waiting for him and the opportunity is only open till it isn't anymore....

follow your heart on this one, it won't lead you never has to be forced and often times when we stop tryin to make it happen and let go of expectations of how it is supposed to happen and how people are supposed to act and feel or do or say... it unfolds in beautiful unexpected ways

very well said.
Keep it moving like you first intended. If you want to be friends and keep in contact...fine, however don't limited your dating choices or wait around for this "right time". You made the right decision. Enjoy your life.

Best of luck to you.
I'm glad you kicked him to the curb.

It was a mess right from the start.

You, fresh out of a 5-year gig. Him, fresh out of a 1.5-year gig.

No definition, just having fun. Sex thrown in the mix....

I would buy the "timing is not right" if he was trying to marry you. Even then, he wouldn't be refusing to date you exclusively.

When a man loves you, in the words of Dr. Laura Schlessinger, "he will swim through shark-infested waters to bring you lemonade."

A man who is so concerned about loving and providing for you, would not be having sex with you all willy nilly and then cutting loose when things get serious. The exact opposite.

He enjoyed your previous arrangement, he is nostalgic now. He wants some more of your goodness.

I say you made a great choice. Don't look back.

Great post, but the bolded is especially true. When you take the emotion out of a situation and look at it you're able to see what makes sense and what doesn't.

If he loves you he will try hard to be with you. He'll get his money if that's a problem. Give him time to miss you. If you hang around, make sure he knows this is in the present. When you leave his presence you will making the acquaintance of another. Keep everything on the up and up with him.

Good for you for taking a stand that you want and deserve more/better.
Umm, he's just using you for his own comfort and needs while he is free to see anyone else or leave you hanging when he finds the girl he really wants. I would not take your friend's advice. If this guy is serious about you, he will come and find you and come correct. If not, then you know you've not really lost anything. He wasn't for you anyway.
Thanks for the update.
You did the right thing and took control of your ownership in the relationship without making him seem/feel like a dog.

If I had a quarter for every guy who wanted me to "wait" but it wasn't the right time...
Both your perspective and the advice shared in this thread seem to be just what needs to be done. :yep: