How do I curl the ends of Kinky twists


Well-Known Member
the way they do at the braiding shop?
I used to straw set the ends which is very time consuming but when I took my dd to the shop for kinky twists earlier this year they curled the ends banding them together somehow with a piece of fake hair and dipping them in hot water. I tried to watch closely but couldnt figure it out.
Can anyone help me?
if you have cold wave rods you can wrap the ends around that and dip it in hot water. you can wrap it around anything really. but hot water is the key.
if you have cold wave rods you can wrap the ends around that and dip it in hot water. you can wrap it around anything really. but hot water is the key.

- you can cold wave rod them
- you can use yarn
- you can braid them up to make them wavy