How do i become a better Christian?


Well-Known Member
Ladies, i am so tired of being a part time christian, i want to be better for the lord i am so tired of disappointing him and making promises to him and myself that i end up not keeping because i let life get in the way. I feel like i always start to change and be better like going to church and praying, but then i always backslide. I want God to forgive me for my wrongdoings and empty promises but i feel like i've screwed up so much that hes just given up on me because i cannot be consistent. I also wonder if my ADD could also be the cause of this, im really not trying to place blame anywhere or make excuses but i really wonder. If anyone could give me some helpful advice and tips, i would greatly appreciate it. I just really want to please the lord, and feel as though he is smiling upon me and not frowning.
Ladies, i am so tired of being a part time christian, i want to be better for the lord i am so tired of disappointing him and making promises to him and myself that i end up not keeping because i let life get in the way. I feel like i always start to change and be better like going to church and praying, but then i always backslide.

I want God to forgive me for my wrongdoings and empty promises but i feel like i've screwed up so much that hes just given up on me because i cannot be consistent. I also wonder if my ADD could also be the cause of this, im really not trying to place blame anywhere or make excuses but i really wonder.

If anyone could give me some helpful advice and tips, i would greatly appreciate it. I just really want to please the lord, and feel as though he is smiling upon me and not frowning.

LadyAmani ...

Dearest one... whom God loves :kiss:

None of us are perfect Christians. We never will be. Where some of us are stronger in some areas of our lives, we are weaker where others are stronger. We each have our shortcomings and goings. All the more we need Jesus as our Lord and Saviour.

Please don't despair, for you are making God's heart happy each day that you arise and call Him Father and Jesus your Lord. Even more, you make Him smile because you desire to be better; you desire to be more; you desire to more right with Him.

As for the ADD, it's not yours. It may be affecting your life, however it is not 'yours', it is just simply there as a cross to bear. However, I believe in the healing power of God and in time, you shall see and live through the healing of this.

God's Word says that a 'Good' man (woman) will fall seven times and will arise again. No matter how many times we fall, we still arise and we arise in Jesus. For we live and move and have our ultimate being in Him, our Lord.

The Holy Spirit gently loves and guides you each moment of your day and I praise God that you will naturally follow after His promptings; as naturally as you take each breath, as naturally as you blink, as naturally as you smile. Without a thought, without strain or pain, you will naturally follow Jesus all the days of your precious life.

Hold on to His Love... He is surely holding on to you, forever and ever.
@LadyAmani ...

Dearest one... whom God loves :kiss:

None of us are perfect Christians. We never will be. Where some of us are stronger in some areas of our lives, we are weaker where others are stronger. We each have our shortcomings and goings. All the more we need Jesus as our Lord and Saviour.

Please don't despair, for you are making God's heart happy each day that you arise and call Him Father and Jesus your Lord. Even more, you make Him smile because you desire to be better; you desire to be more; you desire to more right with Him.

As for the ADD, it's not yours. It may be affecting your life, however it is not 'yours', it is just simply there as a cross to bear. However, I believe in the healing power of God and in time, you shall see and live through the healing of this.

God's Word says that a 'Good' man (woman) will fall seven times and will arise again. No matter how many times we fall, we still arise and we arise in Jesus. For we live and move and have our ultimate being in Him, our Lord.

The Holy Spirit gently loves and guides you each moment of your day and I praise God that you will naturally follow after His promptings; as naturally as you take each breath, as naturally as you blink, as naturally as you smile. Without a thought, without strain or pain, you will naturally follow Jesus all the days of your precious life.

Hold on to His Love... He is surely holding on to you, forever and ever.

Shimmie, thank you very much for responding to me. What you wrote really touched me and i believe god sent you to say this to me. I attended church today and the sermon really spoke to me. I'm going to start thanking god more for the things i have and not being depressed about the things i don't. Once again thank you for not just reading my post but really seeing that i was desperate, and needed your words of encouragement.
I would like to share how I drew closer to God at the weakest part of my Christian life and how my life started to change.
First I was “addicted” to Lifetime movies. I had a potty mouth and I was just generally unhappy. I felt I had to be a mad person all the time to fit in or relate to people, so I became very unhappy, only I didn’t know it. I thought I was just living. Fast forward to me changing faiths completely.
So now I have a new faith, I am baptized and expectations are high. I was high as a kite, on fire for God but my old sins were still there, I thought I had addressed them but I hadn’t as of yet.
Before I was baptized I did a complete overhaul and threw out all my love stories, movies that had violence, witchcraft etc., all my music. Music I had been collecting for years. Old hard to get stuff. I threw it all out. You know that story in the bible where the man gets saved and threw out everything swept out his house, but didn’t fill it. So he might have had two or three demons, now he has 20 or more because he didn’t fill his house up with the things of God, well that was me. I didn’t fill my house (my mind) up. I didn’t do the things I needed to secure my relationship with Christ. So, I begin to pray in the morning and afternoon, I spent more time reading the word then doing other things. After a while, I begin to think differently. I begin to see things in a different light, old stuff that use to be a real pain wasn’t anymore, I found myself able to deal or cope with things I couldn’t before. I still struggle with sins but let’s say out of a 100, I have two that I have to deal with more and more each day. The word says we have to die to self, which means every day. Daily we die to self, today Lord I am living for you not for me your will be done in my life, not mine.
You’re always going to have two selves living in you, your past self that died on your baptism and the new you. But it didn’t really die because we keep letting it have rein in our lives. So we asked God to bless each day with a new life and a new beginning. Yes that person cut me off but I am a new person in Christ, I am going to bless that person instead. Lord you know I am struggling right now in this line with this woman and her screaming kids, why do people take kids to the market is beyond me, let me see what I can do to help move this along. I am growing in Christ, I truly am growing in Christ, as you move along to the next line or you step forward and offer assistance. I am more excited about life now then I use to be and I have no close, close friends, I Iet them ALL GO. All of them. My friends are all members of my church we have the best thing in common Christ. I am no longer addicted to lifetime, nor do I curse or find myself overly angry. I also am my complete self. I do things I couldn’t do before. Especially, around my husband, we are not together, I just am singing and dancing and I know he looks at me sometimes trying to figure out who is this woman. But I am happy in Christ, if it wasn’t for Christ, I would have nothing, nothing to do with him. I am happy with the new person I am becoming, but it’s a daily thing. Daily I have to die to self. I love the 3ABN station and so I try to keep my TV set on there. I have learned so much from it and it helps with my walk. Listening to the word helps with your walk as well and daily bible study. Most importantly studying the bible every single day. It helps to follow a lesson that teaches you to mediate on scripture throughout the day. I only listen to Gospel and Christian music, I recently started listening to hymns as well. I surround myself with the things of God as I build up my faith. I encourage you to do all these things and it will draw you closer to God. Find a good bible based Church if you’re not in one yet. That helps so much.
You do know all that you do is part of the plan and the fact you strive for better please God.I understand you more than you know.I am in the same situation you are in now.I'm young but desire to be the perfect christian woman who does it no matter what nothing is too hard and I do it even when I don't want to.I go to church as much as I can but I still slip and fall and cuss folks out at times.I know some things had to stop automatically bc they weren't in accordance with God but other things will take time.I say this as I say it to myself be kinder with yourself bc the devil will use the very things such as worry and despair to make us feel as though we can never please God and this isn't yourself truly and you will change. have come to the right place. Romans 3:23 says "for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" None of us are perfect, except in Christ, especially since we are no longer under the bondage of sin or death. When you accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, he reconciled you to God. So, as Christians, we will mess up because we still have that old sinful nature and flesh that we have to contend with. The one you feed the most is the one that will provide the norishment (sp?) Just by confession of your sins, you have said, "Heavenly Father, I"m sorry and I messed up, please forgive me" and then he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from unrighteousness (1 John 1:9) and then you are of course, back in fellowship with him. God always brings his kids back to him. Each time we backslide he always provides the door the remind open and keeps throwing that fishing rod because he knows that we're going to bite the bait (the bible) and bring us back in. There is power in the name of Jesus and there is power in the word of God that he spoke into existance. Continue to feed the Spirit of God inside you by studying your bible, praying (Paul says in 1 Thes 5 (I can't remember the verse) to pray without ceasing), listening to hymns and songs that glorify and uplift Christ and his glory.

If you have Pandora on your phone or computer, they have an awesome Praise and Worship station that is really uplifting. The songs just uplift Christ to the upmost highest glory and praise. There is no self in the songs, no club like beats, and you can just really feel the Holy Spirit being touched by the songs as they are being listen to.

You're on the right path sister...I'll keep you in my prayers.
Wow thanks everyone for the helpful advice, i really do think sometimes i need to be perfect but i am going to take it day by day and continue to grow in my relationship with god.

-God bless