How do I achieve hair the same length all around?


New Member
Hi everyone. I haven't posted here in a while, but I'm back with yet another question. My hair is doing well now, and growing really good. Thanks to all of the GREAT advice here! There is one thing though, the front is longer then the back! Does anyone else here have hair like this? I did have a layered cut last December, and I'm thinking this is why the back is still shorter. Maybe because it hasn't caught up yet? I don't know. My hair now is shoulder length and I just wish the back would grow as long as the front. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Oh I almost forgot, I have another quick question. Is if REALLY hard to maintain hair that's all the same length for those of you who has hair all the same length around? Thanks in advance. Hope everyone is doing great!
I would trimm gradually to get the one-length or U-shaped works well too. A better way would be to trimm the splits only and then when you get to a goal have it trimmed to even things up in either shape.
Do you have a relaxer? When I had a relaxer my hair was always shorter in the back than in the front.. I think it is side effect of sleeping on your back with your hair rubbing against the pillow as well as the fact that when you sweat, it tends to mat the hair in the back of your head and the hair falls out when you comb it.
in thesdtars: good explanation, i've never thought of that!

babychoc: I'm in the same boat as you.. my hair would look so much longer if it was the same length in the back as the front. i'm not exactly sure of how to even it out, but personally im not going to cut a thing!! I'm going to wait until my hair grows at least 3 more inches then i'll consider a trim or cut to make it more even. I say wait it out, esp if its not spilt or damaged in any way, just let it grow some more and maybe it'll catch up. Also, all our hairs do not grow at the same rate... so if you wait it out you'll geta better feel of what to do.
In the meantime you should consider wearing protective styles juast to baby those ends and ensure that you are keeping the length you are growing in