How did your hair behave in two extremely differnt climate?


New Member
Ladies please i have a question.
How do you know that maybe its not the weather that is affecting your hair and not the porosity issues?
The reason i ask is that i recently moved from one extreme temperature to another and i noticed my hair behaves in a very different way in the two temperatures.
I originally live in a very humid and hot climate and my hair had little or no breakage and i would need to wash it two or three times a week and with vey liitle product in it, it will still feel moisturised plus my hair was at bra starp.
I then travelled to a very cold climate where it is freezing and noticed my hair wont keep the moisture in. I have to moisturise daily and even at that, it is still very dry. i cant even use the same type of product because most of my oils and moisturisers froze in the plane.
So i thought maybe i needed clarifying, but after doing that, nothing happened. Then i travelled during christmas to see my husband back at home (the humid climate) and my hair was back to its normal self. It didnt need too much moisturising in fact i had to use a very light moisturiser and didnt need to do too much protein DC and still it did not break or dry out.
I came back by febuary to the cold Climate place and my hair went back to being dry and seriously shedding. It took me almost two months to reduce the shedding but my hair is still very dry and i need almost 5 times more moisturiser than i used back at home.
So i'm pretty sure in my case the weather has a lot to do with it so has anybody experienced the same thing?
Please share and help me out.

Hope this is not too long, this is my first thread.
Maybe you could try using Porosity Control? If your hair is still very dry after that then it may be safe to say that it is just the weather. Personally my hair thrives better it hot weather, even if it is dry hot weather, because I wet my hair and co wash more often.

With the cold weather causing dryness you may want to DC more often, or just use heavier butters or oils to seal in the moisture, PS more, and if you want to go the "extra mile" you could put a humidifier in your home, or invest in a steamer, as many ladies here say their hair is more moisturized from it.

Welcome to the Board!
In very cold dry weather it's probably best to use heavier moisturizers and oils (or grease) to protect your hair and it's a good idea to moisturize and seal your ends every day (maybe twice a day?) in cold climates to protect your hair.

Weather does have that effect. Whenever I go to Jamaica, I need very little moisturizer but when I come back home (Oregon, where it's moist and temperate for the US but quite a bit colder than Jamaica) I have to moisturize my hair more often.
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Ladies please i have a question.
How do you know that maybe its not the weather that is affecting your hair and not the porosity issues?
The reason i ask is that i recently moved from one extreme temperature to another and i noticed my hair behaves in a very different way in the two temperatures.
I originally live in a very humid and hot climate and my hair had little or no breakage and i would need to wash it two or three times a week and with vey liitle product in it, it will still feel moisturised plus my hair was at bra starp.
I then travelled to a very cold climate where it is freezing and noticed my hair wont keep the moisture in. I have to moisturise daily and even at that, it is still very dry. i cant even use the same type of product because most of my oils and moisturisers froze in the plane.
So i thought maybe i needed clarifying, but after doing that, nothing happened. Then i travelled during christmas to see my husband back at home (the humid climate) and my hair was back to its normal self. It didnt need too much moisturising in fact i had to use a very light moisturiser and didnt need to do too much protein DC and still it did not break or dry out.
I came back by febuary to the cold Climate place and my hair went back to being dry and seriously shedding. It took me almost two months to reduce the shedding but my hair is still very dry and i need almost 5 times more moisturiser than i used back at home.
So i'm pretty sure in my case the weather has a lot to do with it so has anybody experienced the same thing?
Please share and help me out.

Hope this is not too long, this is my first thread.

I totally agree with you with the climate change
I went away to the islands for 3 weeks and my hair suddenly became thicker and no breakage at all and it was moisturize 24/7
The thing to realize to the food is much healthier than the food here