How did your guy 'Woo' you?

Ms Red

Well-Known Member
I was just curious of all the ways your guy wooed (or courted) you... In the beginning or throughout....

My guy sent dozens of pink roses, we went to dinners, to amusement parks, concerts, took bike rides (corny huh), went to the park, and all that jazz.
We've been dating for 2.5 yrs. and new ideas would be great since we're not married yet.

So, how did your man 'woo' you? :kiss2:
We were just friends and dating plus I was dating someone else as well. My now husband bought me 2 dozen long stem roses. Godiva Chocolates and Fendi sun glasses (because I broke mine on one of our dates).

The guy I was dating got me Chocolates from Duane Reade......Needless to say he had to go!
Hey cupcake, the bike rides aren't corny.. I think that's a good thing for couples to exercise together...

I've had past b/f troubles and I dread talking about the current one b/c I feel he's The One. But he's doing the concerts, the dinners, the 5Kruns (and enrolls me to run w/ him). Keep w/ the biking together.. I'm seeing my fair share of married marathoners and couples doing 5K runs. Plus, all that exercise gets ya horny and you can go home and make love :)
I only have one new idea, which had put me on cloud 9 for a few days:

I live near the beach, so it was optimal. If you don't live near the beach, you can go to a park.. but both of you plan on a day to get up before sunrise and do a breakfast picnic. Pack a light breakfast, like cereal and OJ. Get a blanket (for two ) and go watch the sun rise.... it'll make you think a lot about love, life and laughter. PLEASE try it and let us know how it turns out for you! Needless to say I got sand in my pants.. lol

Two years is a good run for you, I wish you all the best.. sounds like you're on your way,

bringing me flowers and candy, writing me poetry, painting me a a picture and framing it, bringing me chicken soup when i'm sick, ect. ect. He's just an all around good guy. consider me "woo'd":drunk:
Throughout our relationship,we been together for four years,he threw me a surprise birthday party,flew me out to FL for mother's day as a surprise.We have been to plays,concerts,weekend getaways,day trips, and museums,fairs,parks.We go out to eat,we eat in.He gives me flowers,washes my car.He does many special things for me that woo'd me................IF ONLY I COULD GET THAT RING!:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::cry:
He actually listened to what I had to say, he wrote me the sweetest little poems calling me a black queen (he's white and mexican),writing me songs, took me places that I wanted to go instead of making me go places he wanted to go.
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Only 3mths in, but so far so good (I think). He has taken me to do things Ive neva done before. Museums, Star gazing at an observatory (he made a road trip outta this), Concerts to see Tony Bennett, nice cozy resturants, wash my truck (even put some sounds in it) LOL, nice picnics, b-day sent me to get pampered at the spa. Very thoughtful and gentle. He even selected one nite a week to have bathnite where we soak in the tub and just talk and listen to music. He's a very nice guy as for courting but I'm gonna start another thread about where he is lacking and if I should start seeing other people. Nice thread tho.

P.S. I like the ideas coming from this thread. The early sunrise picnic sounds great!!
We were just friends and dating plus I was dating someone else as well. My now husband bought me 2 dozen long stem roses. Godiva Chocolates and Fendi sun glasses (because I broke mine on one of our dates).

The guy I was dating got me Chocolates from Duane Reade......Needless to say he had to go!

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Well I'm glad you got a good one!
My current guy is getting about a C in the "woo" dept. He hasn't sent me flowers or anything like that. He takes me out for lunches and dinners and coffee. Just the normal stuff. We haven't been dating that long though.
I have never had a man really "woo" me, I really wish I could have that experience.....
Only 2 pages long? Bump! I was really looking forward to lots of nice stories and experiences. Married ladies please get in here…
My current guy is getting about a C in the "woo" dept. He hasn't sent me flowers or anything like that. He takes me out for lunches and dinners and coffee. Just the normal stuff. We haven't been dating that long though.
I have never had a man really "woo" me, I really wish I could have that experience.....

Me too. I guess I should start demanding more from these guys.:perplexed
I have a few exes that wooed me.....
My first actually setup a Valentine's day picnic in my dorm room...complete w/ Popeyes chicken,candles, and Jodeci LOL
Another one of my exes always brought me my favorite desserts(strawberry shortcake) even though he was a fitness/health fanatic...Can you tell I love food LOL :lol: )
Another ex always let me see the movies I wanted in the theater or concerts I wanted to see and never complained......
Another one bought me a different stuffed animal every month....we were together for 2 years so that's a lot of stuffed animals LOL
Another setup a night of watching chick flicks and cuddling...we watched The Notebook and Titantic and cried together...that's all I can think of for now....