how did you recover from a silly/stupid mistake and get the hottie?


Well-Known Member
Here's where I think, I goofed: I haven't said anything negative or mean spirited, it was more something a little silly, I was just babbling basically to keep the convo going, so I talked about what Christmas presents I might get for my niece, so I ws talking about Princess books and bubbles then later I was like why did I even say that. Then I had a klutz moment right in front of him, and he was like be careful. Those 2 things did not happen on the same day BTW.
So will this stick or porb. he won't even notice.
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I'm not sure what type of things you're talking about, but I'm guessing you said something that wasn't very smart or something? If so don't worry about it. I do that all the time and my guy just teases me about it. :rolleyes:

On the other hand if you said something you think was a deal breaker (hurt his feelings or something) it might be a different story.
No it was more something a little silly, I was just babbling basically to keep the convo going, then later I was like why did I even say that. Then I had a klutz moment right in front of him, and he was like be careful. Those 2 things did not happen on the same day BTW.

I think it depends how much a guy is initial digging you. If he is really starting to like you then he'll let silly stuff slide, if he's not sure how he feels about you yet then yes they might stick in his mind.
Do you think he was turned off by you talking about princess books and bubbles? Sometimes we are trying so hard to make a good impression that we focus dwell on things to the point of obsession while the other person either didn't think a second though about it or forgot it all together. What's done is done. Stop beating yourself up over it you can't take back what you said. At best he'll forget the second you said it at worst he'll think you're an airhead which you still have a chance to prove it wrong