How did you know when you first fell in love?


Well-Known Member
What did it feel like? Where there any signs. How long did it last? Did the feeling go away or wear down after a while? How old we're you?
I have been in love twice. I thought it was 3 times but I realize I would not give my last breath for that particular gentleman.

Being in love is like being allowed into the heaven that you have always pictured. Whatever heaven is like for you, is what being in love is like. You cherish that person. Want the best for them. It is exhilirating being with them. Time melts away. And if it should come between their life and yours, you would give them your last breath. If your love is not what they need/want you would truly wish for the next person to give them everything you cannot. Some of what I described is similar to lust but lust fades when life gets real. Habits become exposed. Being in love keeps things hot. Life does get in the way with ALL couples but that in love choice is what keeps them trucking through. The first person I was in love with was my ex-husband. I still love him to pieces. If not for him I would not be the amazing woman I am now. He taught me love, patience, affection, calmness, et cetera. However, I am no longer in love with him. I met my ex at 19 and married at 20. Divorced at 33.

The man I am with now, I am in love with him. I see his flaws, know his strengths and I am accept him as he is. If I could save him from danger I would without even realizing what I was doing. It would just be DANGER - GET HIM AWAY FROM IT - PROCEED TO SAVE HIM! I feel like that for kids as well but not in love with them, if that makes sense. I have known him since 2007, we started dating in 2012.

I must say knowing what being in love is like it is hard to deal with anything else. It's like going from a Camry to a Maybach. While both of them get you from point A to point B, one of them is truly an experience to behold.

PS - I still love Camrys! LOL!
I felt like I couldn't live without him. Like I couldn't breathe without him. Like I began where he ended and vice versa, like I had known him I wanted to have his babies :)

I was 15.

I'm still in love with him more often than not. LOL! We've been together for 23 yrs now and just celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary yesterday! He's still my ride or die and I am his.
I felt like I couldn't live without him. Like I couldn't breathe without him. Like I began where he ended and vice versa, like I had known him I wanted to have his babies :)

I was 15.

I'm still in love with him more often than not. LOL! We've been together for 23 yrs now and just celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary yesterday! He's still my ride or die and I am his.

This sounds like me and my hubby.. Been together 14yrs.. :grin: It's a wonderful feeling when you're in love... :grin:
I grew as an only child, and can be a little spoiled. I knew I really loved FH when I considered him and his feelings before I considered myself. That's very rare for me. Also, winning disargreements was not the biggest thing, but fixing them became the priority.
Truthfully, I knew I loved him when we were just friends in high school. He has been my best friend for years. We hung out together, talked on the phone until we fell asleep and we even gave relationship advice to each other.

We never ran out of things to talk about or laugh about. I thought about him night and day. I would literally give my life for him.

So when he finally kissed me....we both knew that we would be together for life. That was 16 years ago....we've been married for 8 years and it doesn't even feel like that.

In fact, it's been us for so long we often forget to celebrate our anniversary. Lol