How did you know he/she was the one?


New Member
For those of you that are married, or did you know that your SO was the one? And have you ever had any regrets?
I honestly didn't know. I got married 8 months after meeting him. We've been married 20 yrs now. :woot:
He was the total opposite of what I was used to dating and we broke up several times before getting married.
I guess God had a better plan cause just out of the blue he asked me to marry him and I said yes.
I did have regrets in the beginning cause I was so young.....but I don't regret marrying him. It's been a true blessing.

So I believe....some people may know if it's the and those like me just take a leap of faith.
This is very difficult to explain. We just felt like we knew each other from past lives, and felt like one person. We were completely on the same page, had the same desires and goals in life, would have the same thoughts, say the same things at the same time, and this was in a short period of us knowing each other mind you.

Also our first kiss literally almost made me fall out. I kid you not! I saw the flashy stars that you read about in fairytale books and felt a slight chemical imbalance to the brain :lol: It was very powerful, everything was just overwhelming for the both of us, and we used to cry when we parted. He also was never afraid of showing me his emotions and that is very important to me. He's a man who is a strong man, but one who is not afraid to show me his vulnerabilities and that is the most beautiful thing to me. He's my best friend and 4 years later and a little over 2 years into marriage it's still that way, we are just soul mates, inseparable! I just thank God all of the time for my husband, I am grateful and never take him for granted and vice versa!

Hope I haven't nauseated anyone too much, but that's the real deal :lol:
It felt like destiny :yep:
I prayed about it not even 2 months before I met him, and then I had been single for years...
I'm not married or engaged, but I know I'm with The One :D
This is very difficult to explain. We just felt like we knew each other from past lives, and felt like one person. We were completely on the same page, had the same desires and goals in life, would have the same thoughts, say the same things at the same time, and this was in a short period of us knowing each other mind you.

Also our first kiss literally almost made me fall out. I kid you not! I saw the flashy stars that you read about in fairytale books and felt a slight chemical imbalance to the brain :lol: It was very powerful, everything was just overwhelming for the both of us, and we used to cry when we parted. He also was never afraid of showing me his emotions and that is very important to me. He's a man who is a strong man, but one who is not afraid to show me his vulnerabilities and that is the most beautiful thing to me. He's my best friend and 4 years later and a little over 2 years into marriage it's still that way, we are just soul mates, inseparable! I just thank God all of the time for my husband, I am grateful and never take him for granted and vice versa!

Hope I haven't nauseated anyone too much, but that's the real deal :lol:

you heffier...i hate you!!


that was such a beautiful post.
i pray that god brings someone into my life that makes me feel the same way.
omg...that's so wonderful.
There were alot of tell-tale signs. Praying together, and one time he started crying during the prayer. Another time he cried when my kids gave him a card and gift for Father's day (they made it at school and I had no idea). He doesn't have any kids of his own but he treats mine like they were. Their biological father is absent.

Mainly, the fact we were genuinely friends first and that's something I never had before. We both tell each other how blessed we are just knowing each other. He's everything I could ever hoped for.
I met him 8 years ago and knew back then he was the one. Our relationship was deep and I dont think either one of us was ready for it. We separated for years but kept in touch. I got engaged. He got married and divorced. Its now 8 years later and we're both emotionally and mentally ready for the love we share. We're not engaged yet but we know marriage is in our future. I cant imagine spending my life with anyone else.
This is very difficult to explain. We just felt like we knew each other from past lives, and felt like one person. We were completely on the same page, had the same desires and goals in life, would have the same thoughts, say the same things at the same time, and this was in a short period of us knowing each other mind you.

Also our first kiss literally almost made me fall out. I kid you not! I saw the flashy stars that you read about in fairytale books and felt a slight chemical imbalance to the brain :lol: It was very powerful, everything was just overwhelming for the both of us, and we used to cry when we parted. He also was never afraid of showing me his emotions and that is very important to me. He's a man who is a strong man, but one who is not afraid to show me his vulnerabilities and that is the most beautiful thing to me. He's my best friend and 4 years later and a little over 2 years into marriage it's still that way, we are just soul mates, inseparable! I just thank God all of the time for my husband, I am grateful and never take him for granted and vice versa!

Hope I haven't nauseated anyone too much, but that's the real deal :lol:

Awwwwwwww, that is sooo sweet and such and blessing... :love:. I can't wait to find that one day.
I honestly didn't know. I got married 8 months after meeting him. We've been married 20 yrs now. :woot:
He was the total opposite of what I was used to dating and we broke up several times before getting married.
I guess God had a better plan cause just out of the blue he asked me to marry him and I said yes.
I did have regrets in the beginning cause I was so young.....but I don't regret marrying him. It's been a true blessing.

So I believe....some people may know if it's the and those like me just take a leap of faith.

OHMYGOSH! I loved your story.
God told me. SO I had faith in the unseen. Even all that we had been through. See, I was 19 {a sophmore in college} when we met he was 22 {a senior in the same college}. I will be 23 next month and he is 26 [a 4 year relationship]. We have been through a lot since we were very young, still in college, and testing the waters.

--But I know that is behind us, and that is simply because of prayer with him. And I believe God when he sent him into my life, because I had dreams about him before I met him. Wierd huh??

--Lastly, brace yourself. I had been in love with the name Quincy all of my life. I wanted to name my baby boy this. When I ever I have one. Along comes my SO, and his name is Quintin. WHAT THE HECK???? Ironically, we have decided to name our first boy this. When we're married of course.

Long story shorter. I just knew.
I honestly didn't know. I got married 8 months after meeting him. We've been married 20 yrs now. :woot:
He was the total opposite of what I was used to dating and we broke up several times before getting married.
I guess God had a better plan cause just out of the blue he asked me to marry him and I said yes.
I did have regrets in the beginning cause I was so young.....but I don't regret marrying him. It's been a true blessing.

So I believe....some people may know if it's the and those like me just take a leap of faith.

This is very difficult to explain. We just felt like we knew each other from past lives, and felt like one person. We were completely on the same page, had the same desires and goals in life, would have the same thoughts, say the same things at the same time, and this was in a short period of us knowing each other mind you.

Also our first kiss literally almost made me fall out. I kid you not! I saw the flashy stars that you read about in fairytale books and felt a slight chemical imbalance to the brain :lol: It was very powerful, everything was just overwhelming for the both of us, and we used to cry when we parted. He also was never afraid of showing me his emotions and that is very important to me. He's a man who is a strong man, but one who is not afraid to show me his vulnerabilities and that is the most beautiful thing to me. He's my best friend and 4 years later and a little over 2 years into marriage it's still that way, we are just soul mates, inseparable! I just thank God all of the time for my husband, I am grateful and never take him for granted and vice versa!

Hope I haven't nauseated anyone too much, but that's the real deal :lol:

It felt like destiny :yep:
I prayed about it not even 2 months before I met him, and then I had been single for years...
I'm not married or engaged, but I know I'm with The One :D

There were alot of tell-tale signs. Praying together, and one time he started crying during the prayer. Another time he cried when my kids gave him a card and gift for Father's day (they made it at school and I had no idea). He doesn't have any kids of his own but he treats mine like they were. Their biological father is absent.

Mainly, the fact we were genuinely friends first and that's something I never had before. We both tell each other how blessed we are just knowing each other. He's everything I could ever hoped for.

I met him 8 years ago and knew back then he was the one. Our relationship was deep and I dont think either one of us was ready for it. We separated for years but kept in touch. I got engaged. He got married and divorced. Its now 8 years later and we're both emotionally and mentally ready for the love we share. We're not engaged yet but we know marriage is in our future. I cant imagine spending my life with anyone else.

God told me. SO I had faith in the unseen. Even all that we had been through. See, I was 19 {a sophmore in college} when we met he was 22 {a senior in the same college}. I will be 23 next month and he is 26 [a 4 year relationship]. We have been through a lot since we were very young, still in college, and testing the waters.

--But I know that is behind us, and that is simply because of prayer with him. And I believe God when he sent him into my life, because I had dreams about him before I met him. Wierd huh??

--Lastly, brace yourself. I had been in love with the name Quincy all of my life. I wanted to name my baby boy this. When I ever I have one. Along comes my SO, and his name is Quintin. WHAT THE HECK???? Ironically, we have decided to name our first boy this. When we're married of course.

Long story shorter. I just knew.

These are all so beautiful. I am so happy for each and every one of you all!(((((Hugs)))))! God is Good!:yep:
In spite of everything going on right now, and the ten zillion different trials and tribulations we both are dealing with- I am completely calm about my future with him. It's a really nice feeling. We can't be together at the moment and I miss him for now, but I believe him when he says "I'm not going anywhere. This is just a phase." :yep:
In spite of everything going on right now, and the ten zillion different trials and tribulations we both are dealing with- I am completely calm about my future with him. It's a really nice feeling. We can't be together at the moment and I miss him for now, but I believe him when he says "I'm not going anywhere. This is just a phase." :yep:

Maybe me and my SO are like this...we just broke up our 3 year relationship cus I wasnt sure what I wanted. Im only 22 and even though in my head i feel like hes the one for me, my hearts not there yet. I feel like im being stupid, and that im not goin to find anyone like him. HE says he gonna wait till i figure it out......i just hope I do before its too late. :sad:

I wanna have that head over heels feeling like he does about me, but after 3 years its just not there yet. Maybe if take a break from us and see what im missing it will come, cus i really want it too.
When I couldn't think of being without anyone else.When we couldn't separate no matter how hard we tried.We were like really inseparable for about 2yrs then we had some issues in between the five years total,we had a sick son then things just got better on a whole nother level when we decided to get married.I can't even explain it we don't even argue the same.That was the real test for me.I knew he was the one when I didn't want to run after any fight we had. :lachen:
Maybe me and my SO are like this...we just broke up our 3 year relationship cus I wasnt sure what I wanted. Im only 22 and even though in my head i feel like hes the one for me, my hearts not there yet. I feel like im being stupid, and that im not goin to find anyone like him. HE says he gonna wait till i figure it out......i just hope I do before its too late. :sad:

I wanna have that head over heels feeling like he does about me, but after 3 years its just not there yet. Maybe if take a break from us and see what im missing it will come, cus i really want it too.

You might want to listen to your heart dear. I hate to say it and yes you want to feel for him the same way that he does for you but if it's been 3 years and you still don't know- I think you have your answer.

Then again you may never find a love where you are "head over heels" with that person. Sometimes, it's just a good feeling and not some extremely heightened sense of emotion that you THINK you should feel.