How did you get over him?


New Member
How did you get over "The one that got away"?
You still love him, he's moved on... You met the right person at the wrong time.
I get over people by meeting someone else. I keep myself busy with work and if I have a whole day off ill do something in the middle of the day like an activity or the movies so I'm not sitting at hm thinking about the person. And don't think you'll be over it in a week. Time heels all wounds. Keep busy, work on yourself, an the true person you are supposed to be with will come into our life and STAY.
Keeping myself busy and focused on personal and professional goals
Going to the movies and keeping myself busy with activities(working out, going out with girlfriends, joining meetup groups, cleaning up, organizing my make up or room)
meeting other men and dating
It took a LOT of time and internal work.
I focused on self improvement and dated.
Eventually you move on.
Date or the unhealthy but helps me everytime way....start messing with someone else teehee....
What helped me is realizing that IF he is the ONE for ME HE will be MINE again! The Universe will line things up in a way for us to reconnect WITHOUT me doing the realigning. That is how I got over my ex.
Get some attention from other men lol.,may not be the best but it helps. Keep myself busy, exercise, spirit, events, etc. Remind myself that I'm amazing and that all experiences in life's end goal is to edify me whether I realize it or not.
I had a difficult time getting over this last guy and journaling, praying and finding a new guy helped... ALOT!
He wasn't worth me thinking about anymore.

I thought about him, his mannerisms and the situations he put himself in - and thought "ew".

I thought about someone telling me, my story - closed my eyes and thought "Who falls for that???"
^^ preach!

i'm just adopting the male way of thinking about break ups. they waste no time moving on and trying to forget you. seriously. i was like he aint thinking about me half as much as i am over analyzing him.
^^ preach!

i'm just adopting the male way of thinking about break ups. they waste no time moving on and trying to forget you. seriously. i was like he aint thinking about me half as much as i am over analyzing him.

Same thing with me I took on the man thought, I get over guys quickly, I have the oh well idgaf attitude
Just11412 said:
^^ preach!

i'm just adopting the male way of thinking about break ups. they waste no time moving on and trying to forget you. seriously. i was like he aint thinking about me half as much as i am over analyzing him.

Thank you! Sometimes I think about my own thoughts and conversations I have with my girlfriends about our menfolk and I think to myself " they ain't thinking about us right now!" That always helps to snap me out of it.
^^cause they really are not. or if they are they know the art of not showing it. i'm not saying that men don't give a damn but they definitely know how to keep things moving in the meantime. that was the biggest lesson i learned in my last "relationship" (i use that term loosely, lol). he was steady moving along after everything was said and done. meanwhile i was stuck and figuring out how to pick up the pieces. not doing that s**t anymore. while i'm picking up the pieces i will be steadily progressing forward.
It took a lot of self reflection and self control! It also helped that a lot of truth came out after the fact, I think remembering why yall broke up in the first place helps a lot, I didn't let myself become bitter but I also held on to some of those bad memories in order to help me move on and realize that he was never the one for me in the first place. It also helped that I upgraded in a major way after the fact :giggle: