How did you find your staples?


New Member
You know that wonderful feeling you get when you use a product and you just know it's for you? Like that moaning woman on the old Herbal Essences commercials:lachen:? Well, do you stop there? Say you find a great shampoo, after you use it all up do you buy that same one again and consider it a staple? How do you come to the conclusion that a product is a staple?

For me, my staple moisturizer is hands down Qhemet Amla & Olive Oil Heavy Cream. I found this because after my 4th BC [I color damaged my hair about 6 times:nono:], nothing would keep my hair soft. Even my beloved Shea Butter and Coconut Oil Mix left my hair greasy but not moisturized. The moment the Amla & Olive Oil Heavy Cream touched my hair, I felt a HUGE change. But for things like shampoo and conditioner, too many things work! It seems as if I have no chance of finding ONE staple for those:drunk:

What about you?
If it works consistently on my hair, then it's a staple. I usually stop there so I don't become a PJ. Lol.

I also look at ingredients my hair likes. For example, my hair loves shea butter, cetyl alcohol, and coconut oil, so if there's a DC that contains these ingredients ... I'm inclined to try it out versus the one that doesn't.
I don't have staples because almost everything works for me:rolleyes:, but I would guess trial and error.
I go with trial and error but in general, I try to also think about long term affordablility and access. There are some products that I really love but I can't afford to always use it or I can't get it locally so I try not to get too hooked.
For products I didn't use before now: research.

For my other staples: what my mama used on my hair back in the day. I'm finding that the same ol' stuff still works.
then trial and error
Thank goodness it did not take too long to find the product that made me go oooooooooh. When I tried something that did not impress, I tried it a few more times and tried to tweek it. If it still did not work, I gave it away.
Once I find something I like, I am very loyal so pj-ism is not something I have to worry about. My thing is I'm a bulk purchaser who does not like to shop. I get a lot of something at once and store it until it is all gone. I then repeat the cycle. If it is on clearance or sale, I purchase all I can afford and just stock it.
If it works consistently on my hair, then it's a staple. I usually stop there so I don't become a PJ. Lol.

I also look at ingredients my hair likes. For example, my hair loves shea butter, cetyl alcohol, and coconut oil, so if there's a DC that contains these ingredients ... I'm inclined to try it out versus the one that doesn't.

:yep: Yup- I have also learned that my hair LOVES certain ingredients, argan oil, shea butter, sunflower seed oil, aloe vera- I usually do good with these certain ingredients in products

Simple trial and error.

+1 I have kissed a lot of frogs to find my prince(s):lachen:- I mean staples.

The other thing is that I tend to pay attention to what works for others with my hair type (4), odds are I will also have similar success .
I researched "what" my Problem Areas were and 'potentially' how to fix-them and bought products around what my issues were.:look:

I knew I had dry, porous, overprocessed hair that had been poorly neutralized & double-processed that was in some-sort of 'chemical shock' and I looked for products that could help with my recovery:nono:.

Some trial & error, some reviews, a lot of 'research' and a whole lotta Prayer.:grin:
Trial & error, lots of research and reading reviews. When I read reviews, I pay attention to the negative ones....because that might be me....
My hair's BFF (HairSnob) gave me small sample bottles of shampoo, conditioners, oils, etc to test on my hair first before I went out to purchase. My hair had a good head start in determining what products were good for my hair. This was something awesome to share with me and I do hope we can do the same for our new LHCF sisters.