How Did You Decide On A Sealing Oil?


New Member
What made you choose the oil that you use to seal your hair after moisturizing?

How long have you been using it, and what other oils have you used before it? Did you have to use a lot of different oils before you finally found the right one?

Why do you think that your hair likes your current sealing oil so much? In other words, what does it do for your hair that other oils don't? Is there anything that you don't like about the oil?

How else do you use the oil? In what other capacities?
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What made you choose the oil that you use to seal your hair after moisturizing? I wanted a lighter oil.

How long have you been using it, and what other oils have you used before it? I have been using safflower and sunflower oils for about 1 1/2 years.

Did you have to use a lot of different oils before you finally found the right one? I used olive oil and coconut oil.

Why do you think that your hair likes your current sealing oil so much? It is very light, non greasy and high in ceramides. In other words, what does it do for your hair that other oils don't? See previous answer.

How else do you use the oil? In what other capacities? I also use it for hot oil treatments, mixed with DCs occasionally, as a post shower moisturizer, and to cook with.
What made you choose the oil that you use to seal your hair after moisturizing? (safflower oil) It was perfect for my hair; not too light, not too heavy. The viscosity (thickness) was just right.

How long have you been using it, and what other oils have you used before it? Did you have to use a lot of different oils before you finally found the right one? I've been using it for maybe...4 months? maybe 5? I tried 4 oils before I got it right (olive, almond, castor, coconut) although I really did like olive oil in my conditioners. I just like safflower oil better lol. I just recently tried's aight lol

Why do you think that your hair likes your current sealing oil so much? In other words, what does it do for your hair that other oils don't? It just makes my hair feel super soft and so smooth. My hair feels moisturized for hours. The ceramides in it have made my hair so much smoother...I'm noticing that my hair lays down more instead of being super fuzzy. I didn't really get that with the other oils.

How else do you use the oil? In what other capacities? Other than M&Sing, I use safflower oil in conditioners and to DC. I like to use it to help the consistency of thick conditoners so that they spread more easily in my hair.

Safflower oil is really creamy, if that makes sense. I really like it :3
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What made you choose the oil that you use to seal your hair after moisturizing?
Argan or Jojoba - Very light, light scent, great for hot oil treatments!

How long have you been using it, and what other oils have you used before it? Did you have to use a lot of different oils before you finally found the right one?
I tried Olive Oil, too heavy for me, I occasionally use coconut oil still, but I've been using Jojoba for a year and Argan for 3 months.

Why do you think that your hair likes your current sealing oil so much? In other words, what does it do for your hair that other oils don't?
Doesnt weight it down. I wash my hair once a week but moisturize and seal every night so the heavier oils just create build up faster.

How else do you use the oil? In what other capacities?
I tried using it with my DC but I much rather use the oils for a prepoo.
I like Wild hair growth oil as my sealant.
Ive been consistent with it for about a year. It leaves my hair sealed and soft.
A little goes a long way.. Its already mixed with various oils and agrees with my fine strands
What made you choose the oil that you use to seal your hair after moisturizing?
I use a mixture of hemp, grapeseed, coconut and extra virgin olive oil (if I have it). I chose all of those because hemp and grapeseed oil contain ceramides, which help patch up damaged hair. Coconut oil combats hygral fatigue, which can cause your hair to break over time through water causing the hair to swell, and protein loss. EVOO is one of the oils that can penetrate the cuticle (as well as coconut) and so can nourish your hairs from the inside. So using a combination of all of them in an oil mix means I get all these benefits.

How long have you been using it, and what other oils have you used before it? Did you have to use a lot of different oils before you finally found the right one?
Around 4 months. My HHJ has been around 6 months. I started off using just coconut by itself but I always used too much and in winter it made my hair feel hard. So I started adding to it. When I don't have access to my oil mix, EVOO does perfectly well. Hemp oil is a new addition, but elevates the whole mix.

Why do you think that your hair likes your current sealing oil so much? In other words, what does it do for your hair that other oils don't? Is there anything that you don't like about the oil?
My mix is great because there are lots of benefits to the oils I use. I think there are more oils that my hair could benefit from such as safflower but I like the viscosity of my mix. Grapeseed by itself is too liquidy and I end up using too much. This one seems to really nourish as well as being sufficiently light, as opposed to sitting on my hair strands heavily.

How else do you use the oil? In what other capacities?
I use it as a pre-poo, during my deep condition and on my face after moisturising (yes, I m/s my face too!).
What made you choose the oil that you use to seal your hair after moisturizing?
I use a mixture of oils (with a large castor oil base) for my sealant. I chose each of my oils for their viscosity in addition to their softening, strengthening and nourishing properties:

Castor – humectant; cleanses & nourishes scalp; helps retain moisture
Pumpkin – lots of nutrients; natural DHT blocker
Almond – assists with hair loss, breakage & scalp issues; high vitamin E
Hemp seed – contains ceramides; makes hair smooth, glossy and manageable
Macadamia – highly emollient; increases shine & silkiness; similar to sebum
Jojoba – facilitates increased moisture, elasticity and shine
JBCO – strengthens; decreases breakage; increases shine

How long have you been using it, and what other oils have you used before it? Did you have to use a lot of different oils before you finally found the right one?
Initially, I tried EVCO, EVOO, sunflower, safflower, walnut and grapeseed to no avail. Then, I tried argan, fractionated coconut, sesame, camellia, flax seed, rice bran, wheat germ, emu, palm, apricot kernel and ayurvedic oils. I’ve been using castor oil since 2009, and this particular oil mix since early 2013.

Why do you think that your hair likes your current sealing oil so much? In other words, what does it do for your hair that other oils don't? Is there anything that you don't like about the oil?
Since my hair thrives on thick, nutritive oils, I doesn’t receive much benefit from lighter oils. Also, I experience greater moisture loss with thinner oils, which necessitates more frequent refreshing sessions. With thicker oils, I can go for days without re-moisturizing. Still, castor oil can be annoyingly sticky if used neat.

How else do you use the oil? In what other capacities?
I add them to my DCs as well as infuse them with raw herbs. I also use castor oil to massage my joints and lay down my edges/hair line.