How did you cure/stop your stress related hair shed!!!!!!!!!!!????


Well-Known Member
Ok so my hair has been shedding like crazy for the past couple months and my hair has thinned out. Im scared i wont be left with any hair on my head!!!:cry::cry: so please help ladies. what did you do to stop your hair from shedding? how long did it take for you to see the difference in the amount of hair that fell out? any techniques, oils, remedies?????
garlic. fresh and tablets. add it to everything. get some alter ego garlic condish and start doing your deep con with it.

yoga.....for stress reduction. start drinking some white tea. (they sell it in most stores near the green tea) and doing yoga. even if you have to you tube some yoga and do 10 mins. a day. it helps.
garlic. fresh and tablets. add it to everything. get some alter ego garlic condish and start doing your deep con with it.

yoga.....for stress reduction. start drinking some white tea. (they sell it in most stores near the green tea) and doing yoga. even if you have to you tube some yoga and do 10 mins. a day. it helps.

Thanks soooo much. I tried garlic pills and it gave me awful indigestion/heartburn. Do you think I can crush them up and put them in my other products???
What are you doing to reduce your stress? (You have to attack the source of the problem!) How much sleep do you get? Do you exercise? Eat fruits and veggies? Drink water?
I do drink a lot of water and drink fresh fruit and vegetable smothies at least 3 times a week. And yes I looked up which fruits and veggies are the best for hair lol. So far the only other thing I have been doing consistantly for the past few weeks is deep breathing which I read reduces stress.
@H0tPinkButtafly, sorry you're dealing with increased stress. Hope things settle down soon. Question, how did you determine it's stress related shedding?

I use Alter Ego garlic for increased shedding resulting from relaxer stretching.
I'm sorry you are dealing with this OP and I'm sure it's adding even more stress to your life. I had a shedding spell and I still have no idea why it happened. I started using Alter Ego Garlic Oil Conditioner which really helped. For some strange reason I saw the most hair shed when my hair was wet, so I stopped washing my hair as much as I had done in the past.

My shedding has slowed down considerably and now I have a more protein based regimen to strengthen my hair but I still balance it out with moisture. I also spray Aloe Vera Juice on my scalp which also seems to help strengthen my strands. I did lose volume, so I'm working to get my thickness back.

For stress I think the biggest thing you can do to release it is exercise, drink water and get plenty of rest.
Ok I'm going to get the alter ego garlic shampoo and conditioner. Did yall find this in the local beauty supply store or online?
For me prayer and praise over the situation first and foremost.

Super B complex vitamins. Stress takes B vitamins from your hair but if you are taking a supplement it will not rob your hair and body of all its nutrients.

Drink Jasmine green tea. This is better than anything the doctor could prescribe.

Try black tea rinses for excessive shedding and ayurvedic pastes/rinses or henna to restore your thickness. I had severe shedding in 2009 and lost a 1/3rd of my hair. I've been hennaing and black tea rinsing since then. And my hair has thickened back up to its former glory and is stronger than it's ever been. I haven't had any excessive or seasonal shedding since 2009.

Also, I DC once a month with Alter Ego Garlic Conditioner (I add 1 tsp of garlic oil I purchased from the grocery store to the Alter Ego).

Here are some threads to help answer some questions you might have about ayurvedic care and black tea rinsing.

Black Tea Rinse. Is it for breakage or shedding
Coffee and/or Tea Rinse Challenge 2012
Tea Rinse Questions
Ayurveda Lovers Unite!!!
Pics of my mom's hair
Ok alter ego is expensive lol. Do u ladies think another garlic shampoo brand will work? I saw another brand for $5.99 while alter ego is $19.99
I second the tea rinses. I shed like its nobodys business. Stress or not. I started doing herbal tea rinses and the heavy shedding and breaking has stopped. Anytime I neglect the teas the shedding and breaking starts right back up.

The link is in my siggie if you're interested
I can't remember how long it took, but the black tea rinses help stem excessive shedding. You can start tonight by buying some Lipton tea from the grocery store and doing a rinse.

The nettle and horsetail teas help to strengthen your roots.

The sooner you get started the faster you'll get relief.
For me the shedding stopped less than a week.

I forgot to mention that the rinses don't do it for me. I put my tea in a spray bottle and use as a leave-in. It works different for everybody.

If in a few days the black tea doesn't slow it down, try herbal tea. Some ppl are finding that one or the other works better for them.

Good luck and keep us updated!