How did YOU choose YOUR relaxer?


Well-Known Member
I've never chosen my own relaxer, my stylists have always done that part, and when I did relax from home, I went with ORS ...just because :wallbash: What's some general tips in choosing a relaxer? Lye? No Lye? Everytime I grow my hair out and relax, the virgin relaxer turns out pretty good. Over time, usually about 6 months, I'm back at square one starting all over again. I'm thinking that jumping from stylist to stylist, each using their relaxer of choice might have played a part.
I told my stylist that I wanted bone straight hair. For years I was using Precise and my hair was never as straight as I wanted it to be. She suggested Affirm, and it’s been Affirm ever sense. My only problem now is that my hair looks paper thin and lifeless a little after getting my hair relaxed. In December, I think I’m going to texlax my hair and see how I like it:yep:
Well I try to stay consistent with relaxers, but it did take years to find some that I know I do not like, and others I love. You should do your research-there should be a no-lye/lye thread-to see what you prefer on that level. Also I google everything before I try it for reviews/complaints. I heard about Alter-ego Lineage Shea Butter relaxer from this board, tried it, and it will be me only relaxer I will ever, ever use, ever again unless I decide to go natural. It is that good--for me anyway.
I first read the book by Shamboosie and it was very helpful. It helped me understand that "lye" is better on your hair and harsh on your scalp (Sodium Hydroxide) but No-lye is gentle on your scalp but harsher on your hair because it has Calcium Hydroxide which leaves hard deposits. Having said that, some peeps use no-lye with no problem. I had started off with Motions lye. But then wanted a "conditioning" relaxer. So I switched to Mizani. Loooooooved it. My hair just looked more moisturized. Then, I noticed peeps were using Affirm no-lye with good results so I tried that but my hair prefers Mizani so I use that. Have you checked out the "Self-relaxers" support sticky? It's really helpful.
I think its trial and error to find whats best. Try to think back to what products were used. Also try to find someone's whose hair is similar to yours and ask them what they use.
I saw Queen T's profile on LHCF. She's a 3c, like myself, and she loved ORS No-Lye so I tried it and never looked back.
When Dark & Lovely first came on the scene my mother slapped it right in my hair :ohwell:, so that was my relaxer for the first couple of years until my hair started to deny it, so she switched it to Gentle Treatment and I've been using it ever since :grin:...I tried other relaxers but I always end up back to my Gentle Treatment because it has never failed me yet. Makes my hair soft, silky and shiny and its also great for my texlaxing because its not so harsh..I just add some olive oil and conditioner to it and keep it going..
When I was using box relaxers, I looked at the model's hair, and that determined whether I thought it would work for me. Luckily, it always did work for me.

I know for some, it's just trial and error. I used Mizani BB after hearing about it on LHCF, and I really liked it. My current stylist uses Affirm, but I think it's too strong for me. If I relax again (thinking about transitioning), it will be with Mizani.
I chose Mizani Butter Blend because of the reviews on it believe it or not. I want and love textured hair even after the relaxer, and Mizani BB mild lye is it. I also love Design Essentials but I can find MBB a lot easier. Bone straight is not good for my fine hair.
Before LHCF, i always used "kiddie" relaxers thinking they were less harsh.

Now i consider the ph, the strength, and the effect it will have on my scalp/hair. I also consider the availability of the product.

And i'm not gonna lie, i chose phyto because Oprah says she used it :look: