How did I forget the WRAP? It's Great!


Well-Known Member
Ya'll I washed my hair this weekend and flat ironed using the MG. Then as night fell, inspiration struck and I proceeded to wrap my almost APL hair. Around and around my head that comb flew (Jilbere shower comb) and then finally I used a little Chi Silk Infusion (my newest purchase) and tied my newly washed & dried satin scarf around my head ever so gently, twisted it to the back in the direction of the wrap and WHALLA! I woke up this morning to a beautifully wrapped head of hair that I carefully finger combed down and parted to the side. My hair loves me! It's swinging! I love it! (lol):grin:

Has anyone else rediscovered the wrap?

I used to do this consistantly and stopped after I went natural. But now I'm texlaxed and I think the wrap is back to stay!
I think I have too...

After getting my hair cut even, it now wraps very easily! I am switching weekly the direction that I wrap in b/c I have had problems in the past w/one side thinning out due to the wrap...but so far so good.

I missed the ease of wrapping my hair!