How can you tell if hair is underprocessed?


New Member
I got my relaxer on friday and I washed my hair the next day. I noticed all these waves in the front of my hair and on the side. My mom said she thinks it was underprocessed. I don't know I've never had waves in my hair. I know the other lady that was there said I had pretty waves after my relaxer was washed out. My hair is thicker, but I thick that's because I washed it.
That is one sign that your hair is underprocessed. However, I wouldn't suggest that you wash so soon after a relaxer. It breaks the bonds of the chemical process.
Reginia said:
That is one sign that your hair is underprocessed. However, I wouldn't suggest that you wash so soon after a relaxer. It breaks the bonds of the chemical process.

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I'm not sure what you mean by this. Can you clarify?

The chemical process of the relaxer is stopped during the neutralizing process. I don't believe there is anything that can undo that once the ph is down to normal. Washing the next day shouldn't be a problem.

Your hair was most likely underprocessed, which is incidentally the texture I shoot for when relaxing. My hair is healthier and stronger when I don't relax bone straight. Be gentle with your hair and the two textures, treating it almost like new growth. You can straighten the waves using whatever process you normally use to straighten new growth. Ask your stylist about correcting the underprocessed area if you choose to next time.
Personally, I would wait until my next relaxer, especially it were just waves. Not worth risking overprocessing.

A few months ago, I tried Revlon Realistic Mild. After FORTY MINUTES, it still looked the same. My new growth was soft, but otherwise exactly the same. I waited 4 weeks to go over it again and had no breakage. However, I condition wash every day and I wear my hair in a bun, using no heat. I would not choose to relax this soon again and I will never leave it on that long again. The anxiety of waiting to see if my hair would fall out was too much for me.

I'm curious to hear other's opinions, though.
I posted something similar. I used Motions regular and after 40 minutes, my hair, except for my edges, didn't budge. I wouldn't try getting your hair relaved again so soon. THere is always a risk that your hair will simply be "eaten" by the chemical. THis is what happened to me once.