How can people quote verses of the Bible?


New Member
Okay, I will admit. I have not read the entire Bible (probably not even 1/8th of it). But, I am always amazed at people that seem to know every single passage, chapter, verse, comma, and period in the Bible. Now, I've never been good at memorizing (hence I studied engineering), but how do people do it? Are they memorizing the entire book or do they just memorized a couple of popular verses and just use that for all situations. Actually, I know someone who is like that, she will sprout off specific chapters to support her actions, but if someone else says something that is different (or contrary) she doesn't say anything else because she only know certain verses.

Honestly, I'm really curious about this. :)
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I know Jack Van Impe has a technique as to how he studies scripture. He in general researches certain scripture by certain topics and puts them on notecards and tries to commit to memory a certain amount each day and keeping things by topics, like Blood, Covenant, etc. makes it easier to remember things. But in general, if you just keep reading and studying the Word, you will find yourself remembering a lot more scripture. I know for me, I might need to probably start doing like Jack does, b/c I have a harder time remembering the exact chapter and verse, though I can probably narrow it down to a specific book or chapter.
For me it's about "getting it in my spirit". Although there aren't a ton of scriptures that I can quote, I am able to remember some because I "feel" them. When I learn to understand something, I can remember it & use it. Everything doesn't always alpply to my current situatiuon, but I can feel the comfort of the words. Know what I mean :ohwell:
I am always amazed by this also. I find that I remember a few scripture from reading books which quote the bible as reference with real life examples. I am sort of lazy.