How can I wean myself off of heat!


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies!!

I'm new to this whole thing so bear with me, I have been lurking on LHCF for quite a few months and let me just say that the info you ladies provide is amazing, but overwhelming at times:spinning:. My dilemma is that I am addicted to heat! I have booted my blow dryer but cant seem to part with my beloved flat iron, I BC'ed in August because my hair was horribly damaged. I went from SL to CL and that is right around the time I found this glorious place, my hair has grown back to my shoulders and actually a little past where it was before I cut it but I am now at a standstill, it sheds like crazy and I have found quite a bit of split ends. I am trying to take it 1 step at a time and do away with heat, can any one give me suggestions on how to still get a fairly straight style without cooking my hair everyday?
You could try rollersetting, just search around this forum or on youtube for a tutorial. Or you could just wear a wig, that way you're not manipulation your own hair yet you still have a nice style on.
Are you natural?

Try roller sets, or some curly styles for a while.
Trim those splits and give your hair some serious moisture.
If you realize the heat is damaging your hair, just simply refuse to use it!
try air dry sets too, are you open to braidouts/twistouts?
@ Cherry never thought about that, I have in the past but could never keep it looking good for more than a few days but this seems like a great alternative for me now.

@ Janeemat-Yes Ma'am I am relaxed, I mainly just flat iron the sides when they get those little coo coo burrels but I use my iron to create a flip in my hair and my poor edges are innocent victims.
You may need to change your mind set for the next 6 months to a year and just know that you may NOT always be bone straight. Put your focus on going for healthy hair everyday instead of bone straight hair everyday.

Free your mind, the rest will follow.
You may need to change your mind set for the next 6 months to a year and just know that you may NOT always be bone straight. Put your focus on going for healthy hair everyday instead of bone straight hair everyday.

Free your mind, the rest will follow.

That's what I've had to come to terms with. When you get to
the point where your hair's super soft and you stop seeing
breakage completely you'll never want heat getting anywhere
near your head again.
Longhair, I use to flat iron every week, so I know how you feel. The picture in my signature(starting point) is the result! Dry and damaged! I quit the heat cold turkey. Rollersetting has been my saving grace. I rollerset and silk wrap every week. My hair is smooth and straight with a slight curl even at 10 weeks post.

I also like to do twist outs. I use my FHI Runway about once every 4 months now! It's possible to do. Keep your eye on your hair goal and sacrifice bone straight for health/length. Good luck on your journey.
You may need to change your mind set for the next 6 months to a year and just know that you may NOT always be bone straight. Put your focus on going for healthy hair everyday instead of bone straight hair everyday.

Free your mind, the rest will follow.

That's what I've had to come to terms with. When you get to
the point where your hair's super soft and you stop seeing
breakage completely you'll never want heat getting anywhere
near your head again. Yes, super sleek styling goes out the
window but I'd rather have healthy hair.
Longhair, I use to flat iron every week, so I know how you feel. The picture in my signature(starting point) is the result! Dry and damaged! I quit the heat cold turkey. Rollersetting has been my saving grace. I rollerset and silk wrap every week. My hair is smooth and straight with a slight curl even at 10 weeks post.

I also like to do twist outs. I use my FHI Runway about once every 4 months now! It's possible to do. Keep your eye on your hair goal and sacrifice bone straight for health/length. Good luck on your journey.

Excuse my ignorance but what is a silk wrap? Sounds interesting! O my gee, you only use heat every 4 months? I am really trying to get to that point, I haven't used heat in about a week. I was bunning it :grin: (So proud of myself) but the little frizzys on my edges and neck were taunting me the whole time...
If you learn to rollerset and wrap you never have to use heat for a straight style.

It takes some practice but once you get it down, your hair will love you.

Here's a pic of my rollerset hair no direct heat.

If you learn to rollerset and wrap you never have to use heat for a straight style.

It takes some practice but once you get it down, your hair will love you.

Here's a pic of my rollerset hair no direct heat.


O MY HOW BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I really need to step my game up, this is usually the look that I create when I flat iron so if I can perfect the roller style I will be in heaven! Are you using large rollers when you do this? I have set my hair before but I typically use smaller curlers and end up with a wild woman curly fro(cute but not the look I really want)
O MY HOW BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I really need to step my game up, this is usually the look that I create when I flat iron so if I can perfect the roller style I will be in heaven! Are you using large rollers when you do this? I have set my hair before but I typically use smaller curlers and end up with a wild woman curly fro(cute but not the look I really want)

Yes, use the largest rollers you can when you want a straight look. I use the grey and purple.

After I set my hair I wrap it and comb it down the next day. At night I pincurl because if I wrap again, it gets too flat.
Longhair, I use the smaller rollers too, and end up looking like a Supreme after I take the rollers out. Lol! But then I put a little moisturizer and coconut oil on my hair, then I use a wide tooth comb and comb my hair into a wrap. I securely wrap it with Saran wrap and sit under the dryer for 15 minutes. The results: sleek, shiny straight hair with body! The more Supremish the curls, the better the silk wrap comes out. There are tons of YouTube vids on silk wraps. No more flat ironing for me! Hth!