How can I tell if my hair is reverting?


Well-Known Member
I was reading reviews of silk elements lye and many people said it made their hair revert. Ive been relaxing so often since using it thinking my hair was just growing fast. I want to be sure it's actually reverting and would like tips on how to prevent hair from reverting after relaxer.
I switched to Mizani Butterblends btw.
I was reading reviews of silk elements lye and many people said it made their hair revert. Ive been relaxing so often since using it thinking my hair was just growing fast. I want to be sure it's actually reverting and would like tips on how to prevent hair from reverting after relaxer.
I switched to Mizani Butterblends btw.

I would say that if it starts out kinda straight and then starts getting wavy or curly again then it is reverting. Or possibly your hair isnt getting completely relaxed but texlaxed...:scratchch
If you have a relaxer, and you feel that it has reverted, that means you were under-processed. Can't speak for SE, but Motions left me under-processed.
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Relaxers don't revert. If you don't use the proper strength there is a chance that you can be overprocessed or underprocessed.
That's just it TALK. Once the hair has been altered by a chemical it can not go back to its natural state. It has be forever changed. Now if u still have waves in ur hair after using the chemical that could be that you are under processed and didnt leave it on long enough to break down the bonds of the hair's shaft.

Most people do a mid protein step righ after relaxing and before neutralizing so I know that a proteing can not "revert" the process.
i would say it gets really poofy first and then the little curls come along and then its like they do a drive by on your scalp and then soon enough your hole head is curly
i dont care what nobody say, i know my hair reverted, cuz its nothing like it was 4weeks ago, its the same as when i was natural, check out my fotki, hair looks the same as my natural hair and i got the pics to prove it sooooo umm yea.
i guess thats what texlaxed hair is supose to do, look natural lol