How are you Washing your Hair??

Doremie13 said:
We have well water and we don't have a filter yet, and even though the water was making my hair very hard and dry, I never got the flakes or dry scalp. I got more of that when I was back in SW Texas.

What about the rest of your skin? Is it dry and flaking, too?

No just the scalp.

Ok I''m going to go wash it now and report back.
I'm going to try and section it piece by piece, lather up a couple of times and then do an ACV rinse with bottled water. I'm still buying a shower filter this weekend.with different water pressure settings as well.

thanks ladies for all your advice:))) That seems to be the only problem I have which is my scalp. If it don't stop after the filter and stuff, I might see a dermatologist, think I have seborrihc dermatitis or something.
Great thread!

I haven't read through the posts yet but here is how I do it.

First, I stand under the shower and use the force of the water to get all of my hair very wet - making parts with my fingers and getting all up underneath. Then I "wash" all over my scalp with the very warm water, using my fingertips, as if I was using shampoo.

After 2 or 3 minutes, I put a good-sized dollop of shampoo in my hand and with the other I scoop up some shampoo and distribute it all over my head.

I step away from the shower (or turn it off). Then, using my fingertips, I focus once again on my scalp, firmly massaging it and making sure I don't miss an inch.

I run the suds through the length of the hair quickly but always focusing on my scalp. When I feel my scalp is clean, I turn on the shower again and let the force of the water rinse off the shampoo. I am very thorough with the rinsing, making sure I'm parting my hair with my fingers and getting ALL of my hair including underneath.

Then I'm done (with the washing part, that is). :)

MSM is supposed to cure all forms of dermatitis. :yep:

sylver2 said:
Do u part it and wash in sections, do u use your fingernails?? Do u just squeeze some on hands and rub in entire head until it lathers up then rinse??
How are some of u washing your hair?
It seems no matter how long I'm in there washing, I still have buildup or stuff on my scalp. Its never squeaky clean, even when I clarify.
Another thing you could try is to put a dandruff shampoo on your scalp ONLY and work it into your scalp for about five minutes. Scalp only because it dries the heck outta your hair. I do this on my best girlfriend's hair and it has worked wonders.
I comb all of my hair back (the water parts it in half for me, usually) :lol: and stand under the shower head, while the water soaks my hair. Then, I use a good amount of shampoo or conditioner (CO Wash) and rub it on my scalp and hair and use the pads of my fingers to GENTLY scrub my scalp. I repeat, if needed.

Sylver2, is it possible that a product that you're using is causing a reaction on your scalp? I hope that things work out for you!
I had bought some biotin conditioner by Nature'sGate I think and the lady was telling my that the conditioner is great for the scalp because it helps with the build up that sometimes clog up our scalp (she used a different word but can't think of it now), but every now and again I put this on my scalp and it has a tingling sensation to it, like if it may have peppermint in it, but it may work.

On another note I rinse my hair in the shower head leaning back letting the water run down for a few minutes and then I shampoo twice, because the first time never cuts for me and then I rinse again and add my conditioner for a deep conditioning and then after 45 minutes - 1 hours I rinse with warm water and then cold and I done.
I part my hair into 4 sections and braid. I wash each section focusing on the scalp and squeezing the lather down the length. I do this twice to each section. I rebraid each section after washing. When conditioning, I undo each section and comb through with a detangling comb. When each part is conditioned I then add more condtioner to my whole head and comb through.
sylver2 said:
I'm wondering if its the water pressure. Its pretty weak.
I used nizoral and T-gel didn't work. I usually wash every week or longer, but this past week I've had to wash hair about 3 times within the week because it didn't seem clean and now I'm getting ready to wash again

I agree that it's the water pressure. I just bought a shower sprayer (it's suppose to be for cleaning showers and dogs) and the pressure is very high. It was recommended by one of the girls on here a while ago (Thank you!) and I just bought it this week. I wanted it for when I rinse my relaxer out. I tested it and it works very well. I usually have some conditioner left on my scalp but after rinsing with that thing, I had none on my scalp. The only thing is that you have to hold down the trigger for it to work so it may seem like a pain ... but it's worth it!

Here is a link:

I bought mine at Wal-Mart for $17 and they also have them a pet stores.
joyous said:
I part my hair into 4 sections and braid. I wash each section focusing on the scalp and squeezing the lather down the length. I do this twice to each section. I rebraid each section after washing. When conditioning, I undo each section and comb through with a detangling comb. When each part is conditioned I then add more condtioner to my whole head and comb through.

This is how I do my hair except instead of the 4 braids, I do 4 twists and clip it up with my plastic butterfly clamp. I do the exact same process as mentioned above when I am conditioning my hair.
Not sure if these will work for you as you don't comb through your new growth, but here are a couple of suggestions:
  • One technique that works for me is applying the shampoo directly to my scalp, part-by-part as if I'm greasing my scalp with the shampoo. Ever since I started doing that I stopped having problems with build-up, flakiness, and itching plus I only need to lather up once.
  • ORS Scalp Scrub is effective too, probably because it is mixed with baking soda (or is it powder - I can never remember which one). I then just follow that up with a CO wash.
The water is very hard where I live too, BTW.
joyous said:
I part my hair into 4 sections and braid. I wash each section focusing on the scalp and squeezing the lather down the length. I do this twice to each section. I rebraid each section after washing. When conditioning, I undo each section and comb through with a detangling comb. When each part is conditioned I then add more condtioner to my whole head and comb through.

I do the same. :)
Sylver, I prepoo to get rid of scalp buildup. You can feel it tingling away the buildup. It work wonders for me. Heck sometimes I just prepoo my scalp and apply like a retouch.....HTH :yep:

- Prepoo (Sometimes mix with 1/2 cup Keracare humecto conditioner)
Two tablespoons each.....
EVOO (treatment for damaged, dry hair, superior penetrating power)
Tea tree oil (antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal)
Peppermint oil (promotes hair growth)
Let sit for 30 mins using a foil cap and turban
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