How are you using your Agave Nectar (in your hair)???


Well-Known Member
So I was looking in Chicoro's (one of my hair Stalkees) fotki and I saw some Agave Nectar. I was excited to learn that it was a natural sweetner because that Stevia was just a little too strong for my taste. I went out and bought some for about $5.99 from Whole Foods. Well it's tasty and comparable to honey. Which got me to wondering if it would have the same humectant properties as the honey. So I will be putting some in my hair tonight when I wash and I'll report back.
Have you used agave in your hair? or skin?
What benefits did you experience?
It's a little too expensive for me to use in my hair. I think I'll stick with using it in my tea. Let us know how it turns out though!
When I used it last night...I made a yogurt and agave mix to use as a conditioner it was delish before I added a little humectress to it. My hair was uber soft. When I was done my curls were more defined. Not necessarily softer but it did feel fuller.
I loved it over my greek yogurt and granola for breakfast. :lachen:But I don't know about putting it in my hair... scared it would be hard to get out.