How are you using MTG and/or Mega-Tek?


New Member
Hey Ladies,

I've found a few older threads about using MT but I was hoping to get some feedback about how you use MTG and MT together or separately.

Which do you use, or do you use both?
Do you use it straight or in a mix?
How do you apply it?
How often do you apply it?
For relaxed ladies: Do you hold off on using before/after you relax & how long?

Also, if you've seen any results or setbacks, please share!
I am using both MT and a homemade version of MTG.

I made both into separate mixes & apply each separately but at the same time. I have both in an applicator bottle, altho the MTG mix is in an applicator with an adjustable nozzle. I apply it every other day at night. I workout in the morning, then rinse my hair.

I have approximately 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 inch of NG since Aug when I started using it which is GREAT for me.

I am natural altho there is one warning from many of the other threads we about this subject. If you are relaxed, be sure to stop with the MTG at least 7 days before u get retouched, since the sulfur can interfere with the product.
Thanks for the info. I knew I had read somewhere about not using it before you relax but I couldn't find it anywhere.