How are you applying your hair oils???


Well-Known Member
Over the past few years I have been using the MISTO to apply my oils as well as my hair spray( grapeseed,aloe vera,& water) to mist my hair at night before bed. You have to pump it several times before each use to build the pressure back up so that the sprayer can spray like a fine mist. Sort of like an oil sheen lol. I use less oil so it saves me money as well!:dance7:

So is anyone else doing this? If not how are you applying your hair oils?


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What a great idea using a Misto! We use one in the kitchen and its fantastic ... :yep:

I can just see my DH if I buy a Misto for my hair. :look: He already thinks I'm obsessed. :spinning:
Peppermynt Yeah my husband too! I just bought two more and he definitely was giving me the side eye:perplexed. I know bed,bath and beyond have $5 off coupons so the next coupon I get I'm thinking about getting one more:grin:
@Peppermynt Yeah my husband too! I just bought two more and he definitely was giving me the side eye:perplexed. I know bed,bath and beyond have $5 off coupons so the next coupon I get I thinking about getting one more:grin:

I just IM'd my husband about it and first he was <sideeye> :spinning:

Then he responded with "I guess we're goin to Costco then - they have a 2 pack." :look::lachen:
FYI, I just read on amazon that you really need to open the top after every use to release the pressure. This is suppose to help the MISTO last longer...