New Member
Ha! It's so funny you bring this up!!! The other day, my bf said, "I can't wait til you get to 'Coming to America' lengths!" Uhhhh... hehehe Neither can I!
Oh, and update y'all! I'm loving this CHL stuff, and maybe even Spirulina! As you all know I've been detoxing and feeling just AWFUL! But there is light, for sure, because today I felt awesome. I felt beautiful, my skin is so flawless and my neck looks slimmer. I don't think I've dropped any weight (or at least I haven't been trying) but maybe it's water I was retaining? Whatever, I look beautiful and I know CHL is the culprit.
I added 3 g of Spirulina in tablet form today and yesterday. My appetite was nil today and chocolate (what's that) could not tempt me. I tried LuckiestDestiny's method with the juice/water with my CHL and Spir this morning and I was the energizer bunny for the rest of the day. Didn't get hungry til lunch time and had no desire for bad foods. Go Green Team! Can't wait to see what else is in store for my body
Go on my sista, get your beauty on, that's right and just to show how happy I am for my green sistas, got a little tune for ya, wanna hear it? Here it goes:
To the tune of Rihanna's Umbrella:
Chlor-ella ella ella eh eh eh takin my chlorella-ella ella eh eh eh...Yeah girlfriend's we's gettin greeeeen!