How about a BC vs. BC Challange?


Active Member
This might get ugly.....

But I'd like to see ONCE AND FOR ALL, If protective styles are REALLY needed to grow long hair. We all see the polls and we are usually split between weather it does or doesn't. Some of us retain growth by wearing our hair bunned 95% of the time while there are those of us who can do the flowing hair every day. So lets put the theories to the test.

There is a 2007 Boot Camp that is currently under ways so we gotta catch up. This Challange is the "2007 GROW YOUR HAIR LONG WHILE WEARING IT DOWN CHALLANGE"!

We will go from today throught tax day April 15th 2007.

The rules are simple:

~Wear your hair down or out in whatever style you desire.
~Try to wash hair atleast 1-2x's a week.
~Deep conditioning at every shampoo.
~Little to minimum heat with a heat protectant (every time)
~As little manipulation as possible. (careful with the combing)!
~Take your multi-vitamins at the minimum.
~Drink lots of water.
~Try to eat a healthy diet. More fish, poultry, veggies, salads, nuts. (limit fried and high fat foods).
~Moisturize, oil and baggie hair every night.
~Tie hair down with a satin/silk cloth or sleep on a satin/silk pillow case.
~Post before photos or link to hair photo journal.
~Check in the 1st of each month to give an update, and don't forget to post "new month" update photos the 1st of the month.

Note: This should'nt be hard since the majority of you ladies are already doing something similar to this every day. And we should be looking REALLY good come spring with our new bodies from the great clean diet.

Now, if your with me jump on the wagon and Let's GROW GROW GROW!
bauderlady said:
This might get ugly.....

But I'd like to see ONCE AND FOR ALL, If protective styles are REALLY needed to grow long hair. We all see the polls and we are usually split between weather it does or doesn't. Some of us retain growth by wearing our hair bunned 95% of the time while there are those of us who can do the flowing hair every day. So lets put the theories to the test.

There is a 2007 Boot Camp that is currently under ways so we gotta catch up. This Challange is the "2007 GROW YOUR HAIR LONG WHILE WEARING IT DOWN CHALLANGE"!

We will go from today throught tax day April 15th 2007.

The rules are simple:

~Wear your hair down or out in whatever style you desire.
~Try to wash hair atleast 1-2x's a week.
~Deep conditioning at every shampoo.
~Little to minimum heat with a heat protectant (every time)
~As little manipulation as possible. (careful with the combing)!
~Take your multi-vitamins at the minimum.
~Drink lots of water.
~Try to eat a healthy diet. More fish, poultry, veggies, salads, nuts. (limit fried and high fat foods).
~Moisturize, oil and baggie hair every night.
~Tie hair down with a satin/silk cloth or sleep on a satin/silk pillow case.
~Post before photos or link to hair photo journal.
~Check in the 1st of each month to give an update, and don't forget to post "new month" update photos the 1st of the month.

Note: This should'nt be hard since the majority of you ladies are already doing something similar to this every day. And we should be looking REALLY good come spring with our new bodies from the great clean diet.

Now, if your with me jump on the wagon and Let's GROW GROW GROW!

This is what I am trying now, except for baggie at night. Sylver2, Isis does not use protective styles. They are my hair goddess. I can't say I will never do protective styles like braids. But I am trying to let my hair breath for awhile.