

New Member
Ladies, I'm in search for a new salon/stylist. Although, I'm not ready for a retouch yet (2 more months=5 months total), I thought I'll start my search now. Could you please name your salon/stylist and what you like/dislike about the place/stylist? Also, have any of you heard of Innovative Hair Health Salon(they produce their own products--SEBA) or Emporium Hair Salon?----Thanks
Yeah, I've heard of Innovative Healthy Hair Salon.... I don't live in Houston but I live close enough that I would make the drive for a good stylist. I actually called one day and talked with a guy... I forgot his name, but he seemed really knowledgable about hair and he seemed to focus primarily on Hair Health, which is what I'm looking for. I was referred to them because I was looking for a salon that offered RJ treatment.
RJ Treatment is this Asian method of infusing the hair strands with some kind of treatment (I assume protein)... it is kinda expensive. You can either buy the kit and do it yourself, or you can go to a salon that offers the service. It's a liquid that you have to put inside of a curling iron or flat iron (the kind that comes with a steam reservoir). There's a special shampoo also... you first have to use the shampoo, then once ur hair is dry, you use the curling/flat iron in sections to apply the treatment throughout the hair... when ur done, you have to wet ur hair and apply another liquid that is suppose to lock the other liquid in the hair.... once that's done, you dry ur hair and that's it. RJ is suppose to stay in ur hair for 3-6 months and it is suppose to instantly stop breaking. Also the makers of RJ claim that it eliminates the need for conditioners...EVER. To make a long story short, I was looking for a salon in my area (East Texas) that offered the RJ treatment, and the company referred me to Innovative Healthy Hair Technology in Houston. I will post the link to RJ as soon as I find it, in the meantime you can call Innovative and ask them also... they may do a better job of explaining it than I would.... They call it European Hair Infusion Method.

The RJ Treatment sound interesting. Do you know anyone that has tried this treatment? It is expensive, but it may be worth it if it works. I believe I'm leaning towards Innovative Healthy Hair Salon. But I also question the fact that they offer this treatment(which says you can stop all other products) and still push their products (SEBA) which I do love their SEBA Moisturizing Capsules. Like I said I will probably give them a call in March to set-up a time(in person) to talk and allow them to analysis my hair/scalp. Thanks again
I broke down and bought the kit for home use, and it does work; however in retrospect I should have just paid the $250 to have a professional to do it b/c I do not think I did it right. What i found was, that it will work for hair that is already healthy, so that it won't break in the future... it kinda makes ur hair like fishing wire (if you can imagine that), so it does not break, but as for your existing damaged hair... there's really not much that can be done... it the ends are already bent and broken, there is nothing to "fix" that. Whenever you have the time, call over to Innovative and tell them you would like to know more about European Hair Infusion.... they explain it really well. Also, I remembered it takes about 3 to 4 hours to do at the salon.