House Guests (hair Care Edition)


Well-Known Member
I couldn't decide whether to post this here or in off topic. But I decided to put it here, since it's mostly related to hair stuff.

I just wanted to say that for the most part, I don't like houseguests (I don't like being one either). I'm very particular/OCD about a lot of stuff when it comes to my living space and people coming to stay overnight feels like it just disrupts everything.

I want to be cool, laidback and accommodating when people stay over. But if it's more than one night, the irritation quickly builds up. I just had a good friend stay two nights and leave not too long ago. Everything was cool until this morning. She's a morning person and got up first to shower. When I woke up I had to pee, but was waiting for her to be done (I stay in an apartment with one bathroom). So when she cracked the bathroom door after awhile, I went to ask if she was done. I get to the door and I see her using my favorite hairbrush. :thud:

I didn't even think to tell her in advance not to use any of my combs or brushes. I just assumed that was something a person would not use if it wasn't theirs (or use without checking). I'm usually tactful and think before speaking, but I could feel the horrified look on my face before the words "oh my God, please don't use my brushes, I hate that" just popped out of my mouth. She immediately stopped using the brush and apologized a number of times (while trying to clean her hair out of my brush).

She has curly hair too and had just washed her hair (and was using the brush I use for detangling). Speaking of which, on the first day she came, I had a bag of 30 or so hair products I was planning to give away (I've been trying to downsize my stash). She was interested in them and ended up deciding to take most of them off my hands (and I also later gave her some samples of stuff - I have too much hair to get much use out of most samples). In fact, she washed her hair that first day (she'd been wearing it straight) just so she could use the products.

So I was caught off guard when I realized she shampooed her hair again today. I asked her (out of curiosity) if she washes her hair everyday. She said "no, I just washed it again b/c I wanted to try out your products." Meaning the selection of products in my bathroom that I wasn't giving away. And it's not like the stuff I gave away was worse than the stuff I kept (I just felt like I had too much and wanted to downsize - I had been planning to give them to my sister-in-law who loves getting products from me).

But I really had to hold it in (and not freak out on her, again) when I found out she used my favorite shampoo. B/c I had already told her the day before, when we were discussing hair products, that that was my favorite shampoo and I had been using that brand for over a decade (since high school). I also explained how I'm afraid that it's being discontinued (and had had to order what I could find online), and how I had even contacted the company to ask them about it. So why would she specifically decide to use my precious, holy grail shampoo (that I have in limited supply - when I had gifted her a shampoo in the products I gave away and had other shampoo available)? :cry3: And later found out that she didn't even like it.

Maybe only another product junkie would understand how I feel (she's not that into what she puts on her hair and probably doesn't grasp how panicked I am about possibly not having any more of that shampoo in the future). I'm a pj (in recovery) about a lot of things, but not shampoo. 90% of the times that I've washed my hair in the past 10 years has probably been with this particular shampoo. But, she probably just was thinking how much she likes my hair and was curious to try a product I said I love.

Btw, I also found out that she used my favorite cleansing conditioner as a regular conditioner, b/c she didn't know a cleansing conditioner was any different than a regular rinse out conditioner (I actually found that kinda funny).

Ok, I'm done. Thanks everyone for reading this, I just needed to get this vent out to other PJs and hair lovers who would maybe understand the horror I felt when I saw her using my detangling brush and found out she used my holy grail shampoo.
Yeah, I would have been highly pissed that she used MY stuff when she has a whole bag of brand new sh*t that I just gave her.

Next time, move all of your hair stuff to your bedroom in advance of guests coming over. Hell, hide them in your closet and underwear drawers if you have to. :lol:
Yeah, I would have been highly pissed that she used MY stuff when she has a whole bag of brand new sh*t that I just gave her.

Next time, move all of your hair stuff to your bedroom in advance of guests coming over. Hell, hide them in your closet and underwear drawers if you have to. :lol:

Good idea, the can't live without it stuff will for sure be hidden. :)
Not an only child. But I only have an older brother.

Okay, I figured you didn't grow up with sisters. :lol: Not because you don't like your things being used, but because you seem so taken aback that someone would do such a thing.

I would definitely do what the previous poster suggested-- hide anything you don't want anyone messing with when they come over. I don't think most would consider it a big deal to use their hosts shampoo. Just make it completely unavailable to them.
I couldn't decide whether to post this here or in off topic. But I decided to put it here, since it's mostly related to hair stuff.

I just wanted to say that for the most part, I don't like houseguests (I don't like being one either). I'm very particular/OCD about a lot of stuff when it comes to my living space and people coming to stay overnight feels like it just disrupts everything.

I want to be cool, laidback and accommodating when people stay over. But if it's more than one night, the irritation quickly builds up. I just had a good friend stay two nights and leave not too long ago. Everything was cool until this morning. She's a morning person and got up first to shower. When I woke up I had to pee, but was waiting for her to be done (I stay in an apartment with one bathroom). So when she cracked the bathroom door after awhile, I went to ask if she was done. I get to the door and I see her using my favorite hairbrush. :thud:

I didn't even think to tell her in advance not to use any of my combs or brushes. I just assumed that was something a person would not use if it wasn't theirs (or use without checking). I'm usually tactful and think before speaking, but I could feel the horrified look on my face before the words "oh my God, please don't use my brushes, I hate that" just popped out of my mouth. She immediately stopped using the brush and apologized a number of times (while trying to clean her hair out of my brush).

She has curly hair too and had just washed her hair (and was using the brush I use for detangling). Speaking of which, on the first day she came, I had a bag of 30 or so hair products I was planning to give away (I've been trying to downsize my stash). She was interested in them and ended up deciding to take most of them off my hands (and I also later gave her some samples of stuff - I have too much hair to get much use out of most samples). In fact, she washed her hair that first day (she'd been wearing it straight) just so she could use the products.

So I was caught off guard when I realized she shampooed her hair again today. I asked her (out of curiosity) if she washes her hair everyday. She said "no, I just washed it again b/c I wanted to try out your products." Meaning the selection of products in my bathroom that I wasn't giving away. And it's not like the stuff I gave away was worse than the stuff I kept (I just felt like I had too much and wanted to downsize - I had been planning to give them to my sister-in-law who loves getting products from me).

But I really had to hold it in (and not freak out on her, again) when I found out she used my favorite shampoo. B/c I had already told her the day before, when we were discussing hair products, that that was my favorite shampoo and I had been using that brand for over a decade (since high school). I also explained how I'm afraid that it's being discontinued (and had had to order what I could find online), and how I had even contacted the company to ask them about it. So why would she specifically decide to use my precious, holy grail shampoo (that I have in limited supply - when I had gifted her a shampoo in the products I gave away and had other shampoo available)? :cry3: And later found out that she didn't even like it.

Maybe only another product junkie would understand how I feel (she's not that into what she puts on her hair and probably doesn't grasp how panicked I am about possibly not having any more of that shampoo in the future). I'm a pj (in recovery) about a lot of things, but not shampoo. 90% of the times that I've washed my hair in the past 10 years has probably been with this particular shampoo. But, she probably just was thinking how much she likes my hair and was curious to try a product I said I love.

Btw, I also found out that she used my favorite cleansing conditioner as a regular conditioner, b/c she didn't know a cleansing conditioner was any different than a regular rinse out conditioner (I actually found that kinda funny).

Ok, I'm done. Thanks everyone for reading this, I just needed to get this vent out to other PJs and hair lovers who would maybe understand the horror I felt when I saw her using my detangling brush and found out she used my holy grail shampoo.
I don't like house guests either and I feel the same way that you do. And I have had people use my things and it bothered the dickens out of me. I truly feel like my space is being invaded. My things are my things. Go the hayle home!
Okay, I figured you didn't grow up with sisters. :lol: Not because you don't like your things being used, but because you seem so taken aback that someone would do such a thing.

I would definitely do what the previous poster suggested-- hide anything you don't want anyone messing with when they come over. I don't think most would consider it a big deal to use their hosts shampoo. Just make it completely unavailable to them.

I guess it rubbed me the wrong way when she washed her again today for the sole purpose of using my favorite shampoo (she mentioned that's why she decided to wash it again when I asked her), instead of a different shampoo I have, or the one I'd already given her that she raved about and said she loved. And after we'd already had a convo about how I was having trouble finding my favorite shampoo and had been calling Sally's, checking the official website and contacting the company over it.

I didn't care that as a guest she used my stuff. She didn't come with any toiletries (face soap, lotion, toothpaste, hair products, etc.) so I knew she'd be using mine. It's just that she had a couple of other options for shampoo. And she didn't want to use any of the other hair products today that I'd already gifted her, that she said she loved (which included shampoo, conditioner, deep conditioners, leave-ins, etc.). Only stuff I wasn't giving away (that I knew she wasn't trying b/c she thought she might buy them herself).

And I didn't mention this in the original post (b/c I was keeping the focus on hair), but in addition to the bag of about 30 hair products, I'd also given her a huge bag full of clothes (she's in town for a few weeks - not staying with me the whole time - but only had room to pack a few sundresses), and another large bag of homeware items (that I was already planning to give away and she said she was interested in). So I guess I felt like I was already trying to be a good, generous host and didn't understand why she'd go out of her way to use my hard to find shampoo.

But on another note, yeah, I was completely taken aback about the hair brush. It didn't even occur to me that she might use that. :look: But she grew up with two sisters (one older, one younger). So I'm sure sharing a brush, of all things, was a non-issue. :drunk:
Ok... I could feel my anger rising as I read you post :lol:

I'm not an only child. I have a sister and two brothers so I know how to share. The person who is staying in your house, however, sounds like an only child because they sound like they don't have boundaries nor have they learned how to be thoughtful of other peoples items.

I don't use other people's hair brushes. Heck, I'd be hard pressed to even want to use someone else's comb. Other people's wet hair in each other's brushes? Sounds kind of nasty. And you just told her that you're afraid of running out of your favorite shampoo and the lengths you went through to see if you could get more and she used it anyway? You don't have to be a pj to understand that's an inconsiderate thing to do. AND you just gave her a bunch of products to try but she uses the ones that DID NOT give her permission use INSTEAD of the ones you gave her? One of three things is happening here: A) Your friend's an ***hole, B) She's extremely oblivious to tact or C) Her upbringing failed her. My own sister and her friend just came to stay with me for a bit and even called me at work to ask what stuff they could use in the bathroom. My sister and brothers have been doing that as long as I can remember. So have I. No one told us to specifically do those things but we all know to ask before we use something that's not ours/wasn't given to us while in someone else's home because that's how we were raised. Heck, we even did that in our own home when using each other's stuff.

Ok, I'm done now :lol:
Okay, I figured you didn't grow up with sisters. :lol: Not because you don't like your things being used, but because you seem so taken aback that someone would do such a thing.

I would definitely do what the previous poster suggested-- hide anything you don't want anyone messing with when they come over. I don't think most would consider it a big deal to use their hosts shampoo. Just make it completely unavailable to them.

I have a sister and I would be taken aback if a friend went into my bathroom and decided to use my hair brush and my hair products without asking. Especially using my hair brush. It's like using the same toothbrush.
Ok... I could feel my anger rising as I read you post :lol:

I'm not an only child. I have a sister and two brothers so I know how to share. The person who is staying in your house, however, sounds like an only child because they sound like they don't have boundaries nor have they learned how to be thoughtful of other peoples items.

I don't use other people's hair brushes. Heck, I'd be hard pressed to even want to use someone else's comb. Other people's wet hair in each other's brushes? Sounds kind of nasty. And you just told her that you're afraid of running out of your favorite shampoo and the lengths you went through to see if you could get more and she used it anyway? You don't have to be a pj to understand that's an inconsiderate thing to do. AND you just gave her a bunch of products to try but she uses the ones that DID NOT give her permission use INSTEAD of the ones you gave her? One of three things is happening here: A) Your friend's an ***hole, B) She's extremely oblivious to tact or C) Her upbringing failed her. My own sister and her friend just came to stay with me for a bit and even called me at work to ask what stuff they could use in the bathroom. My sister and brothers have been doing that as long as I can remember. So have I. No one told us to specifically do those things but we all know to ask before we use something that's not ours/wasn't given to us while in someone else's home because that's how we were raised. Heck, we even did that in our own home when using each other's stuff.

Ok, I'm done now :lol:

Ok, I feel a little less anal that the hair brush thing freaked me out. :lol:

And just to clarify, the bag of 30 hair products were ones I was gifting to her (not the only hair products of mine she was allowed to use). She also used some expensive Jane Carter curling cream (after washing her hair today), but since it's not a hard-to-find holy grail of mine I didn't care about that.

I just didn't understand why she washed her hair again just to use my fav shampoo. And when I reminded her that it was possibly being discontinued so she might not even be able to find it, if she had liked it, she said that she didn't like it and loved the one I had gifted her and that she'd used the day before. So it just really felt like a waste of my fav shampoo.
She couldn't stay over again... especially since you went out of your way to make her comfortable AND have products at her disposal. I'm very weird about my space and my things... but I am the eldest child, only girl, and my family has always taught us to be vigilantly considerate.
Not a 'fan' of the whole house guest thing either. (admittedly)

Two things I would have been 'miffed' about:
1) Using my Brush
2) Using my Shampoo after I told her how difficult it is to find and I have to get it on-line and all that hassle of ordering on-line/shipping/waiting.

Only to have her turn around and say "she didn't really care for it" - So, technically IMO she just wasted it.
What shampoo was this you really like? :look:

Roux Porosity Control Shampoo (if you were to do a search for this and my username, you'd see I've talked on LHCF about this being my fav shampoo for years). It's the only product I've loved through every re-formulation change for over a decade (probably closer to 15 years). I usually got it from Sally's. However, couple of months ago they updated all of the packaging and I saw the Porosity Control conditioner in the new packaging, but not the shampoo (and all the other Roux lines had the matching shampoo/conditioner set).

So I asked one of the ladies working there and she told me she thought it was being discontinued (they could no longer find it on the order form for Roux products). She suggested I go online to ebay or amazon. So I did. But a couple of months later I wanted to buy some more. This time I checked the Roux website and saw all of their other shampoo and conditioner sets listed for their diff. lines. But for the Porosity Control line, the website only listed the conditioner ( And I couldn't understand why they would still have the conditioner but not the shampoo. So I contacted them through the website. The rep responded back that they were not discontinuing it and listed my local Sally's as the closest place to me where I could get it, and that they get shipments in on Tuesdays. So the next time I was in my Sally's I asked again about it (when I didn't see it on the shelf) and they told me the same thing as before, and mentioned they were checking into the issue for another lady too.

When I responded to the rep with this info. I didn't hear back from them again (I don't know if I have to go through the website again). I ended up finding a big bottle on amazon, but it's actually for the packing from the version before the last version I could find at Sally's (unlike when I ordered a bottle a few months ago from amazon). So I'm thinking the few left on amazon now is the really old stock (which I don't even care about - I've loved all the versions of this shampoo). So it's making me paranoid that sometime in the next year I won't be able to find anymore bottles.

And when I first feared it was being discontinued, I decided to try a diff Roux shampoo, from the color protect line (to see if I would be fine to switch to that). It was okay, but it wasn't the same as my beloved porosity control. The funny thing is, the Roux shampoo from the color protect line was one of the products I told her she could have (but it was one of the few products I offered that she didn't want). So I didn't understand her making a point to use the Roux Porosity Control shampoo (when she didn't want the Roux Color Protect shampoo).

I told my friend like 75-80% of this story about me trying to find out what's going on with this shampoo (I didn't want to bore her too much with the details, since she's not into hair stuff). So she knew I had really been trying to find out what's going on.
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LOL You better not buy it out! Semo will come and get you.

Lol. If it really is discontinued, I'm going to have to find a new holy grail anyway. But I'm really hoping I don't have to. The porosity control is so gentle on my hair, I could detangle with it if I wanted to. It cleans without stripping my hair and I always get consistent results. As I get lazier with my hair, consistent results are especially important. I want to know my hair is going to behave as expected every time.

And to show you how this shampoo is my rare, unicorn, holy grail, I actually liked it better after every reformulation. That has never happened with anything else. So the thought of them changing the ingredients bothers me not at all. Only the thought that they would ever stop making it.
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I found myself putting my outrage and empathy on hold in order to ponder the possibilities of the OP's favorite shampoo.:nono: I'm going to go have a seat and contemplate the gravity of my addiction before offering my support. OP, I definitely feel you tho.

:D As a fellow hair product lover, you could probably sense my desperation over this shampoo. Perfectly natural to be curious. But just in case this same curiosity or urge to buy hit a lot of other people reading this thread, I did just go on amazon and buy another "just in case" back up bottle. ;)
I wouldn't do that to ya, but I understand.:lol: I'm just an addict; my mind immediately wanders towards hair products during the most unlikely situations, e.g., my son was watching a wrestling match on tv and I wondered what type of conditioner one of the contestants used since his hair was so shiny and bouncy.
I thought this thread was going to be about walking around in your egg and honey DC and the house guest catching you :lol:

I would be so surprised if a guest pulled this kind of stunt on me...I've had curly heads stay over and they've always used their own stuff, down to toothpaste. I could not imagine! She didn't even think to ask? Wow.
I stock my guest bathroom with my overflow of hair products. If a house guest uses any of that I would be ok, but Lord if someone uses my Kerastase we aint friends anymore :lachen:
Hmmmm.... mi casa su casa... Well, when your guests start going through your drawers/closets, going in your purse and taking money/credit cards out to use... mi casa es su casa mi amigo :lachen:
Hey, haha, well she didn't say all of that! Someone using hair products vs someone stealing your stuff?? Two totally different things. I wouldn't have those kinds of house guests or friends.
Hey, haha, well she didn't say all of that! Someone using hair products vs someone stealing your stuff?? Two totally different things. I wouldn't have those kinds of house guests or friends.

So.... mi casa es su casa with restrictions because it's actually my house, not your house :lol:

I'm messing with you :p