Hot weather=frizz and dryness


Well-Known Member
This sudden hot weather these past few weeks is making my hair feel dry and frizzy. Im noticing its tangling a bit more than normal. How do you guys adjust in the summer to keep your hair looking good and feeling good too?
In the hot weather I wash more frequently. usually twict a week.

I also do more cornrows and braidouts. This way I can skeet whatever moisturizer on my hair that I choose.
I have had to increase my washings, sometimes every other day. I have also been using less of my creamy leave ins, mainly using DB Manage and Garnier L&S leave in after washing. If I use any creamy, I use it sparingly. This seems to be helping a lot. My hair has been staying smoother and more moisturized since I changed.
NTM Smooth Shine Anti Frizz cream is the bomb! This had been keeping the frizzies away, too!!
Lacio Lacio is keeping my hair well in the heat. Ive been wearing afro puffs all week and my hair is not dry by the evening.
Yeah i've been noticing the dryness and frizziness. Esp since I started working out and sweating a lot. I'm still testing methods out but I know baggying works for me. I also have started co-washing 1x per week in addition to my daily wash w/shampoo.
If I'm going for a straight look, I'll add a touch of oil.
But I prefer to spritz my hair w/my own moisturizer & QB Honeybrush Tea Gel.