Hot Oil Treatments


Well-Known Member
Hey All :wave:,

I was wondering how many of you incorporate hot oil treatments in your regimines. I know I will do one once in a while (every 2-3 months) with Vatika oil after shampooing but before DCing. Is there a specific reason to do a treatment even if your hair is not dry, brittle, or weak? Is it just something to do for maintenence? Also, it is best to do a treatment before or after shampooing?

***I did a search on this topic before posting but if it is something that has already been discussed, I apologize and please point me in the right direction***

TIA ;)
I always do a pre-poo i alternate with conditioner, coconut milk, coconut oil or EVOO for at least half an hour more like (1+) I think there's a difference when I don't - drier hair
Thanks for the response hothair. I tried doing a pre-poo with amla oil under the heating cap once and it made my hair dry. I haven't tried to pre-poo with any oil sense.
Alot of people call hot oil treatment- prepoo. You may want to try searching with that term insteat of hot oil treatment.


BTW- I do one every three weeks as a preventative measure even when my hair is not dry.
ChocalateDiva said:
Alot of people call hot oil treatment- prepoo. You may want to try searching with that term insteat of hot oil treatment.


BTW- I do one every three weeks as a preventative measure even when my hair is not dry.

Thanks ChocalateDiva...I've heard of ppl doing pre-poos with other items aside from oil. I lurked a while before joining last year and haven't really seen much chatter on hot oil.
Yea, there are a few different ways to prepoo. I personally use EVOO. I heat it up for 20 seconds in the microwave and saturate my dry hair with it and & apply a plastic cap. I sit under the hooded dry for 15-20 minutes then proceed to the shower to shampoo.